What if?

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Rachel P.O.V

5 years later

It's been 6 years since I went back to Ohio after completely failing at the only thing I thought I was good at.

It's been 5 years since Kurt,Blaine,Will and I took the Glee club/Warblers to Nationals and won.

And a lot has happened in them 5/6 years well of course a lot would of happened but it's a lot.

Will and I have been dating since the Brittana/Klaine double wedding. Well it started at the wedding after we spent all night at the tables talking about how our love life has completely failed after Will and Emma had split due to Emma not wanting kids, and well mine and Sam's relationship didn't really work out when Mercedes come back to town for a while trying to get me back on Broadway, but I had to get the kids to Sectionals I couldn't abandon them not after I promised Kitty I would stay until we won Nationals.

One thing happened after another and Will and I began a serious secret relationship a few weeks after the wedding I mean we already knew each other well what was the point in waiting?

When we had first started dating it felt weird on both sides I mean Will was my teacher and he was my first teacher crush I didn't think it would happen for real 5 years later. Will fount it weird due to the fact I was his student and he felt like he was doing something wrong.

The crush that started that long ago was completely forgotten about between us both until after losing Finn and everything and my opening night which Will had turned up to and when he said "break a leg I love you" well that's when the crush built up again.

The glee club and others soon fount out just before sectionals and it felt like a weight lifted from both our shoulders.

After the kids when to nationals and ended up graduating Will and I decided to pack up and move to New York after I was offered the role and well once that role ended a new role came along then another and another until this one leads me to being nominated for the best actress which is crazy.

Will fount another job teaching kids although I'm forever trying to tell him he should audition for a few roles but he just laughs it off and tells me teaching kids is his passion now, and well that made me love him even more.

Kurt and Blaine had also moved to New York whilst Sam and Mercedes are in LA Mercedes recording her album and Sam also teaching which is a big surprise to us all but it's clear teaching was something he was born to do.

Santana and Brittany are living in Ohio still after them both deciding they need to be near their family for the exciting times coming ahead as Santana and Brittany are expecting their first child what's even more exciting is that Brittany is carrying the child.

Quinn and Noah are living in Florida after Quinn graduated from Yale and Noah now taking a business in teaching kids how to play guitar.

Artie and Tina have also decided to move to New York as that's where Artie can pursue his director career.

It's been really great to keep in touch with everybody still especially with all the glee kids as Kitty has also joined the New York gang, in fact Kitty and I have become really great friends she's always round as we have a gossip and sometimes Kurt joins but sometimes he's a bit too busy with work and everything.

And that leads us to now sat in the bedroom that I share with my husband getting ready for the Tony Awards yes I have been nominated.

I finish the final touches on my hair and make up as Kurt, Blaine and Kitty come in followed by Artie and Mercedes.

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