Chapter 2~ 'Down Payment'

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We're sick of hearing people say, "That band is so gay," or "Those guys are fags." Gay is not a synonym for shitty. If you wanna say something's shitty, say it's shitty. Stop being such homophobic assholes.

~Pete Wentz~

Knee to the gut, the pain was quickly pushed away by the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The bell dinged, signaling that the fight was paused. It was a draw, one more round. The winner takes home two grand. The water boy handing me a cup of ice water, I declined. The bell dinged again and I stood up. The fight begins again. Punch left, dodge, punch right, knee to the side, block. Next thing I know I am knocked onto the ground. Every thing blurs for a second. Then I regain my thoughts and I stand on shaky legs. I wiped the blood from my lip and pulled my fist back, knocking him out with an uppercut to the jaw. The crowed cheered and I smiled, a bloody smile. It was announced that I was the winner and I was escorted to my room in the back. There my manager, Rick, cleaned up my cuts... And then the door burst open. Revealing a stout man with a handlebar mustache. He wore a tux and his hair was sleeked back. He smelled of fast food and-

"Wowza! That was amazing!" He sounded whimpy, but he made my manager tense up.

"Neil." Rick nodded to him.

"Will you leave for a moment? I need to talk to The Beast." I cringed at the nickname. I earned it because during one of my fights, I wore a constricting shirt. In the middle of the fight I ripped it off and revealed my sports bra, before breaking my opponents arm, jaw, and four ribs.

"I'd prefer if Rick were here. I don't trust people I don't know." I grumbled from my spot in the, uncomfortable, plastic chair.

"You know Rick, personally?" Neil asked, a sly smirk made its way into his face. His teeth disgustingly yellow and brown.

"Family friend." I said with a curt nod, straightening up in my chair.

"Fine. I want you to drop Rick and come work for me." Neil's smile dropped and he spat the words.

"No." I said bluntly, standing up. The world spun a little and my brain blacked for a seconded. Rick steadied me and kept his hand on my shoulder.

"You haven't even thought about it." Neil frowned.

"I don't need to. I said no. You can leave now." I hissed. I walked over to the mini-fridge and pulled out a beer. I popped open the crisp beverage and took a big swig. The cold burn welcomed. I didn't turn around as the door slammed shut. Rick remained quiet even as he drove me back to my shitty house. Where I could begin my shitty day and be with my shitty relatives. I watched Rick drive off before entering the house.

"Samantha." Hissed my brother. He grasped, my chin and tilted my head upwards. Worry filled his eyes, causing me to smack his hands away.

"I'm fine." I muttered, throwing a wad of money onto the counter. It was my earnings from the fights.

"What's that for?" Asked my Aunt, Ruth. She eyed the money whilst talking another drink of her beer.

"Rent, Water, and Power Bill. It's not your damn drug money." I spat. She narrowed her eyes at me from behind her glasses.

"Sammiy!" Exclaimed my little sister. She came running into the kitchen, her brunette pigtails bobbing as she went. She wore glasses like my Aunt and had green braces, though her teeth looked fine to me.

"Jullie!" I exclaimed back, crouching to hug her. She came to my waist, and was short for her seven years of age.

"Max told me that you were fighting crime! Did the bad men get you?" She brushed her hand over my swollen lip. I winced and she gasped.

"I fought the bad men, long and hard. This is the Battle Wound I have received. I wear it with pride." I whispered, watching her eyes light up with excitement.

"Jullie, why don't you and I go play dolls so Aunt Ruth and Sammiy can talk." Max grinned, whisking her away from me. I stood, my smile fading. After they were out of ear shot our talk began.

"We are three months behind on rent." Ruth said, glancing down at the money on the counter.

"But I thought we paid that off?!" I whisper-yelled.

"Yeah, well, the Landlord took it as a 'down payment'." Ruth spat.

"Shit." I growled to myself. Slapping my palm against the counter.

"What are we supposed to do?"

"I'll think of something." I muttered, grabbing my leather jacket and helmet.

"Where are you going?!" She yelled after me.

"To see a friend." I stated, starting my bike and driving off.

* * *

It was nightfall by the time I reached the outskirts of town. Zid, my friend, was already waiting for me. I hated everything about him. He was a monster. But I had to play nice with him, until the moment where I get to beat him to a bloody pulp. I took off my helmet and gave him a once over. His curly red hair, obscured his freckled filled face. He was the poster child for dork, but that kind of image was needed with his job. Innocent looking people aren't always innocent. I put down the kickstand and got off my bike. He met me halfway. He gave me a knowing smirk, making me want to beat it off his face.

"So... Are you in?" He asked, tone filled with all forms of seriousness.

"Yeah... I'm in." I whispered, I couldn't go back on this now. And if I did, it would be crossing Zid. And no one lives long enough to tell their Tale on how they crossed Zig Waygner. The biggest underground ring leader.

Beauty and the Beast ~ (girlxgirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora