Who and what I am

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I am Jazz.
Not a boy,
A girl.
Not some guy with a nice body,
A girl that like girl and guy things.
I may not be normal,
But I am me.
I may not have all the girl parts; vagina, nice boobs... Ect... But I am a girl and I don't like to me judged.
"She is my baby sister. She's a girl. Anybody that Tries to say she's not-- Is wrong."
More about me, I have two brother a mom and dad. All a life changer and they all play a big role in my life.
Transgender is going from one gender to the other. It involves multiple surgeries and a lot of hope. Now you may of heard of "i am Cait." I am like that just in me and Cait is Cait.
So I may not have a vagina or perfect boobs but I am a girl and I don't like being hated on.
i Am Jazz and I'm a girl.

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