Chapter 5

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Alyssa's POV

"You're-" I had finally caught my breathe and ready to finish my sentence before he said, "Come with me." I followed him into a deserted corner and looked around, noticing Madi, Kacie, and the rest of his friends had come too.

"You're Niall Horan," I finally finished. I had no idea why I wasn't screaming, or fangirling at that. Here I was, in Disney World, standing right in front of my idols.

"Yeah," he laughed, and ran one of his hands through his blonde quiff. "Sorry I kind of had to pull you over here, we are trying really hard not to get noticed and swarmed by fans."

"I am so sorry I fell on you, clumsy me," I feel my cheeks heating up. "I'm Alyssa, by the way, and these are my friends, Madi, and Kacie." I gestured to them as I said their names.

"We're such big fans!" Kacie blurted out. Her face started turning extremely red.

"Yeah, we love you guys," Madi added. I nodded in agreement.

"Thanks," all 5 of them chorused. They were so cute, I loved them so, so much.

"Can we get your autographs?" Madi squeaked.

"Sure! No problem," Harry smiled, and I smiled back.

"Harry! She has dimples like you!" Louis threw his arm around my shoulder. I had dimples on my cheeks, just like Harry.

We gave our autograph books we had bought for the characters and handed them to the boys. They all signed each one and gave them back to us.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled.

"Hey... Where are your tattoos?" Kacie asked. I looked at their arms, and I suddenly noticed their tattoos were gone. I guess I was too busy looking at their faces to notice.

"Management gave us special waterproof makeup to cake over our tattoos so it would be harder for fans to notice us," Zayn answers and I nod.

"Yeah, they set it up so it looks like we are all in the UK learning the choreography for the stadium tour," Liam adds.

"Which we were, so it's not TOTALLY a lie," Harry tells us.

"Do you guys have tickets for the tour?" Louis asks.

"Yes actually. We're from Michigan, so we will be at the Detroit show," Madi says.

"We can get you guys backstage passes if you want. So we can talk to you guys again," Niall offered. His blue eyes practically sparkled in the sunlight. I felt as if I couldn't breathe.

"That would be amazing, thank you," I take up his offer with a smile. This trip was getting better by the second.

"Great! We can tell management and email you guys passes, then put your names on a list for Paul so he knows," Liam said.

"One last thing," Kacie started, "Can we get a picture with you guys?"

"We won't post it anywhere, because then we would get bombarded with questions," I promise.

"Of course," Harry smiled. He seemed to be staring at Madi, which was ironic, because he was her favorite.

I dug my camera out of my bag while Kacie, Madi, and the boys get in formation for a picture against a wall. That way, if anyone saw the picture, they wouldn't be able to tell where we were.

I placed my camera on a ledge across from the wall and set the timer.

"Ready?" I asked, and they nodded. I pressed the picture button and quickly squeeze between Niall and Louis. I smile and stare and the camera until I hear a click. I picked up my camera and looked at the picture.

"I love it!" Kacie squealed.

"Thank you guys so much. This is really overwhelming," Madi thanks them again.

"It is quite lovely getting to meet fans in public who don't make a scene to get us noticed," Louis said, flashing us his perfect smile.

"I almost forgot to ask; how old are you guys?" Liam questioned.

"We're all 18," Kacie answered for us, and I nodded.

"High school then?" Niall asked.

"Yep, seniors," I said. Harry started to open his mouth but closed it again when someone's phone made a message noise. I started to retrieve my phone until I saw Zayn had slipped his hand into his pocket and took out his iPhone. His fingers tapped the screen then he slipped the phone back into his pocket.

"We have to go, Paul said to go to the front of the park and meet some security guard named Toby," Zayn rolled his eyes, "Apparently he's a good friend of Paul's and Paul wants us to meet him."

"Oh," Niall looked disappointed.

"Hugs before we go?" Louis wiggled his eyebrows and held his arms out in front of him.

"Sure," Kacie smiled, hugging him. Madi went to hug Liam and I hugged Zayn first. He was only a little taller than me, my chin rested on his shoulder as I wrapped my arms around him. He smelled like cologne, I smiled as I hugged him. Here I was, in Disney World, hugging one of my idols. What are the odds?

We ended our hug, as did the others, and I moved over one of the boys. Harry was next. He was a lot taller than Zayn, my chin barely reached his shoulder.

"You're a bit short," he laughed as we hugged.

"I know, I've always been shorter than everyone else," I laugh into his shirt. All the boys smelled like cologne, just like I had figured they would.

I hugged Liam next. He was so sweet. The nickname "Daddy Direction" really does suit him perfectly. Louis came after Liam.

"You really are quite short," he smiled.

"Hey! You're shorter than Harry, you have no room to be speaking," I playfully hit his arm before hugging him.

Niall came last. He was shorter than any of the other boys, and right now, it was obvious. I was only a couple inches shorter than him. The top of my head was up to his eyes. Niall was so cuddly, just as I had always imagined. I never wanted to let go, but I knew if I didn't, security would be called and that would ruin my chances of ever being friends with them. That is, if I ever saw them again.

Eventually we all finished hugging each other. "We better get going boys," Liam frowned.

"Hopefully we see you guys again before we head back to the UK, it's fun getting to hang out with girls our age, that aren't famous, and don't scream and start 'fangirling' whenever we say as much as a word to them," Louis said.

"Yeah, hopefully, it's not everyday you get to hang out with your idols," Madi added.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye," Zayn said quietly.

"Thank you guys, for everything," I tell them. Niall looks up at me and smiles at me in return.

"See you around," Harry said, and they all turned to start walking to the front of the park to meet Toby.

"Bye," Madi, Kacie and I chorus.


yay! the boys are in the book. this will NOT be the last of them. Keep reading, commenting, and voting!

-alyssa 🙈

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