sneak peak: give me shelter

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coming soon:
College dropout Wesley Morgan just moved into the house directly to the left of the Harrison residence.  Basically throwing his life away as he tries to find his passion, Wesley befriends the girl next door. Through his window.

Neat freak Charley Harrison struggles through every day life, whether it be a pen out of place or her mother's painful criticism. However, when funny guy Wesley Morgan moves in next door, her whole life changes. Mostly for the better.

"Sometimes miracles come in the form of people. I've found mine."

sneak peak: Wesley's POV
I raised my whiteboard to the window with a grin on my face. On the other side, Charley rolled her eyes, biting back a grin as she scrawled on her own board with a blue expo marker.

Nice try, funny boy. You can't win me over with gory book quotes.

Holding the expo cap between my teeth, I replied back in bold red letters: Now there's where you're wrong. Every girl loves a good scare.

Wiping my shirt sleeve over the board, Charley knocked on her window from ten feet away. Written on her board in all caps was: TRY ME.

Hey guys! New collaboration story coming next Saturday! Stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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