Death's welcoming door: Not

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Guess what it is: dripping wet, a substance, see through.

Answer is....slobber, yes. Slobber was quickly dripping onto her face, or more exactly, Lucinda's face. Opening her eyes was the worst decision she ever made since the sag she woke up...ok maybe not the worst but it is tempting.

Omnivore teeth, saliva dripping from carnivore type ones. Herbivore type gave off weird meat/plant type smell adding the fact that it was not washed for quite a few days since it was boldly yellow. Maybe more then 30 teethes but let's move on from that subject. The person she sees is very close appearance to humans but completely different as well. If you take a quick, close distance glance, you would see it.

Scales like snakes was about everywhere on the "monster's" face. Her hands were that of a human but the nails were more like claws then anything else. Everything else, completely human except the odd hair color. Red. Yes. It. Was. Blood. Red.

Opening her eyes the widest they could go in her state she left out a broken vocal voice of a hoarse screech.

"I was the one talking little one" Lucinda saw what she could throw up on but can't. The monster's tongue was snake like but big. The color of greenish blue, bleh. Instead, her face went just a shade blue.

"Hurry..." The monster's voice was strangled familiar but new. A sound like hissing mixed with a croak.

The young girl's lips quivered. Who are you...and what do u mean by..hurry?

Narrowing its eyes the monster coughed out dark blue liquid as it began to speak "I can't believe you actually forgot me.." The monster's hissing sounded like laughing as bubbly dark blue liquid foam formed on its mouth "well..I am..different" it spat them out to the floor "My name.....what was it" a cricked grin was across her face.

Tears started forming on Lucinda's eyes, the monster's grin is so familiar...why is tears coming out..?

"" the monster eyes turned red as it slowly crashed into the floor more dark blue liquid coming out.'s not a "it" it's, the tears slowly slid down her cheek bone, Meiko.....

Small hics emitted from Lucinda's lips as it quivered, tears poured down her cheek and onto the bed as she tried to fist her hands, only pain answered.

"Don't move sweety" came a cooed sound, Lucinda's heart pounded, louder every second. Doki, Doki. What is this feeling,, a pained face was seen through Her facade.

Footsteps got closer and closer toward Lucinda "Luka..." The voice whispered "come back to me..." Fragile hands reached toward Lucinda, lightly touching her as Lucinda jerked back in alarm, hurting her body in the process. The voice came closer, humming a quiet but kind tune. The face of the shadow was lit by the afternoon light, pale..fragile like. The shadow was a petite girl?! Luka hoarded a gasp. The girl's hair shown teal long twin tails. She was wearing a long jet black cloak.

" remember me?" The petite girl gave a weak, sad smile.

Lucinda's mind was paper clear. Even the death of Meiko was forgotten. The name....the name of the girl. Lucinda soon after a while widened her eyes in alarm. The little m was formed on Lucinda's lips as she tried to say it. If not, it was like the name would burn away.

With a croaked noise Lucinda questionably said the name.


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