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So many people were cheering on Justin because he won the race. It's as if people already knew he was gonna win.
Madison: "Selena, hellooooo"

"Oh, sorry Maddie"

Madison: "you seem to dose out a lot. Come on, let's go look around"

Madison grabbed my arm and we went around looking at the cars. The cars all looked amazing, it's a shame all these sluts ruined them. Sorry not sorry. We kept walking around and I stood in front of a familiar car, then I heard his voice.

Justin: "like what you see?"

"Yeah, the car is nice"

Justin: "oh, you thought I was talking about the car, how cute."

"Yes, I already know I'm cute and what's there to see other than the car?"

Justin: "me"

"Hahaha, you're so funny. What's special about you? OH RIGHT! You are an undefeated racer and a manwhore who doesn't stick to one girl. You're handsome, I gotta give you that but there's nothing else. And being surrounded by girls dressed like whores is disgusting."

I turned around to walk off when he grabbed me by my waist and spun me around.

Justin: "How adorable. Sweety, you know nothing about me, stop talking like that unless you want to get into trouble."

Right as he said that, I felt something really cold on my skin which turned out to be his gun.

"Back off"

Justin: "Fiesty, I like it. Why don't we go somewhere private?"

Madison: "Selena, let's go"

Justin: "Nice name babe, hope to see more of you, Selena"

He squeezed my ass and kissed me on the cheek. I was so shocked that I didn't know what I did next. I slapped him across the face. Some people were shocked and some were just laughing and surrounding me and Justin. He was laughing as well.

Justin: "You shouldn't have done that"

Madison: "Let's go now!"

She grabbed my arm and we walked off. The way he said that to me freaked me out but the idiot deserved it.


"What?! He doesn't just go around touching girls, especially me"

Madison: "Hahaha, you're so funny. He can do whatever he wants, it's how shit is done around here. Anyways, we should get going before anything else happens."

"Whatever, let me just go to the bathroom."

Madison: "alright, I'll meet you in the car."

I was walking around looking for the bathroom and then I finally found it. I walked in and looked at myself in the mirror. I turned on the tap and washed my face. I was the only one in the bathroom and then I heard the door open, not bothering to see who it is. Then I heard that voice, the one I didn't want to hear for a while.

Justin: "Well, well, well, I didn't know we'd be alone in a girls bathroom. What're the odds ay?"

He locked the door and I got so scared by then.

"I'm sorry I slapped you, just stay away from me"

Justin: "You shouldn't have embarrassed me out there. That was rude."

He was moving closer to me and I was walking backwards until I felt the cold brick wall hit my back. He had me trapped.

Justin: "you know, you're a sexy girl, haven't seen you around here before. I'd love to see what's underneath."

"Get away from me please"

Justin: "You think you know me, you don't know my fucking story. I get what I want and what I want right now is you."

"Stop it, let me go! I never wanted to be here!"

I was so scared right now, I had tears streaming down my face.

Justin: "Why are you crying for? You asked for this when you slapped me baby."

He was caressing my face and touching my body then I heard loud bangs on the door.


Justin: "Tell her you'll be out soon"

"I'll be out soon, wait for me in the car. Give me 5 minutes"

Madison: "ok babe"

Justin: "I'm gonna need more than 5 minutes to finish with you sexy"

"Stop now! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

He got off me and stepped backwards. He took out his phone and took a picture of me.

Justin: "Thanks for the pic babe. Ill see you around."

He walked to me quickly and whispered in my ear.

Justin: "I get what i want."

Then he walked out. What the hell did i get myself into. I walked out and people were staring at me. When i got to the car, Madison stayed looking at me.

Madison: "Selena, what's wrong?"

"Just take me home now"

I want to go back to Texas.....

So sorry i took forever to upload. Ive been busy since im in the school holidays. What im gonna do is upload 2 times a week so that way i can set out each chapter before i upload it.
Love you all!!!!!! xoxoxoxo

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