Chapter 7: Kazuma Uchiha and Vengeance

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He did multiple quick hand signs

", Triple Flame Dragon Jutsu."

The three fiery dragons all spiraled around each other and their heads made one, slamming into Kita. The tree he leaned on crashed and burned with the grass.

That had immense destructive power.

Kita was done for.

" You bastard," the raven haired kid spat at Kita. " Picking on weakened people... It's disgraceful." He had a cool, layed back voice with an edge.

Kita did hand signs, Rat-Snake-Tiger.

A wave of earth appeared and Kita hopped on it. It darted toward Kazuma. The boy did a flip to the side, coolly averting a narrow hit.

He quicky signed, Snake-Ram-Monkey-Horse-Boar-Tiger. He spit oil out of his mouth and ignited it. Flames.

I had learned about it in the Academy.

I slowly put up my hands slowly. I did the Byakugan hand sign and strained my eyes. I didn't want Kumiko to get into this. I jumped up into a thick tree branch. I began hopping, and flipping on and over branches.

" Shin, what the hell?" Kumiko and her partner stopped on a branch close to me.

" Kita... he-." Darkness.

Kumiko's warm face is all I think of before I pass out.


" ... don't know my mother. Stop asking these freaking questions," a cool voice answered some sort of question.

" And Sasuke was murdered?" Konohamaru-Sensei spoke to himself. " But he was one of the most powerful shinobi I knew.

" Who killed him?" Hoeru Nara questioned.

" I don't know," he said. " I can't.remember. But I will avenge my father."

" You sound just like him!," my father muttered angrily. " Your going down a dark road. Just like him."

" And I'll find myself like he did. No. Even better, I won't let darkness consume me. That's a vow I intend to keep!"

" But you'll do everything to achieve your goal. It's the Uchiha way."

" No. I swear on my father's grave. I won't go down that road."

" Guys! He's waking up!," Kumiko cheered gleefully.

I opened my eyes after listening for so long.

I squirmed in my bed. I was in the Konoha infirmary.

" How'd I get here?" I mumbled.

I rubbed my white sheets and smiled. I looked at my savior.

" Thanks for saving me... Kazuma," I frowned. " But where'd you come from?" I remembered him appearing out of no where.

" I was working for Akiko as a spy. I usually work as a bounty hunter. So I decided to help take you home so I could get a reward for saving your ass." The five in the room deadpanned.

" I thought it was pointless to come until I found out he's the Hokage's son. So pay up pops!" He walked up to dad and held his hand out.

" Why you!!," Sensei held my grandfather's old hokage jacket back as dad tried to run at the Uchiha.

" Calm down geezer. I just want 36 million ryo!" He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

" That's more than Asuma Sensei's black market bounty you bastard!," dad shoved Konohamaru off and tried to maintain himself.

" A thousand," Kazuma's eye gleamed. Dad held the money out from his pocket.

" Your not so bad Geezer!," he snatched the money. " Wahoo!!"

I stood out of the bed as Kazuma walked out with a goodbye.

I ran up next to him as he walked the hall.

" You're leaving?," I ask.

" What do you think? I've got my money. That's all I need. Besides, I've got to travel. It's the only way I'll ever find the man who murdered my father,"he responded with his cool attitude. He was counting his money.

" Why don't-why don't you stay? Your pretty cool. Maybe you can teach me a few things. You saved my life.You can't be all bad," I quickly spoke.

" I've got to get strong. Learning from experience is going to be the best thing for me."

" We've got tons of teachers. Konohamaru even has your affinity of fire. We go on missions all the time and train." I stopped. He kept walking. " You can be trained to get stronger. You can experience special situations on missions. That way... You can get stronger. Believe it!"

He paused. " Hmmm...."

Will Kazuma stay?

Will he keep on this dark path?

Will Naruto ever grow up?

Will Shin ever get a girlfriend?

Will I ever stop talking?

Read Shin Hajime P.N.!

Next- Chapter 8: Battle and Decisions!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2013 ⏰

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