Part 2/7

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This time I think she's here for good but I never really know
Nothing here remains, just a vision of her face
The implications of a crime, it always takes the place

He hadn't done anything wrong. Which was why his frustration with the lecture he was currently receiving was making him clench his fists in his lap and stare doggedly at the curtains across the room instead of at his wife's face. Generally, they had a very easygoing relationship - lots of laughs, lots of chatter about the kids (but mostly nothing of importance), lots of easy affection. Today, however, she seemed to be upset about one of the few topics that could strike a nerve.

"Stevie was here yesterday and you didn't think that maybe it might be a good idea to tell me?"

"We were just in the studio," he explained for what seemed like the twentieth time. "She told me there was no point bothering you. I'd told her you were working on an important assignment."

"Lindsey, I trust you but you KNOW how I feel about her being over here. It would make me a hell of a lot more comfortable if I knew when she was."

"We were just in the studio."

"Doing what?"

"Doing what? What the hell is that meant to mean? Look, with us, I could be looking at the next year or so with barely seeing her or speaking to her because of an argument. I don't want that. I'm just trying to make the most of how things currently are."

"Honey, you two have managed to stay good friends for several years now. Stop clinging so desperately to any small speck of her time and attention. It's a bit ridiculous, to be honest, considering how long you've known her. I mean, you're working on a solo album at the moment; why did she need to be here?"

"To see me. Believe it or not, she's actually enjoying spending time with me," he said bitingly. "It's great."

"Yeah, I'm sure it is. Do I need to remind you of that conversation we had a few years ago after I saw the two of you backstage lock -"

"Oh, for christ's sake, Kristen. Just stop. That was nearly a decade ago. I, WE, did not do anything wrong yesterday. She left before midnight, my wedding ring remained on at all times, and the most physical contact we shared was a hug goodbye."

His wife sighed and reached out across the kitchen table, resting a hand on his forearm. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry," she said softly "I am, I shouldn't... I just, sometimes I feel like you're looking at me but wanting to see her and..."


Lying was a more forgivable crime than cheating, Lindsey reassured himself.

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