Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Its Saturday. Time flies so fast, it feels like yesterday is Monday which dad told us that were having a meeting with the Curry's. I'm so nervous, but the nervousness that I'm feeling is not pertaining in meeting the Curry's but in what our parents will say.

"Kasandra." I heard Dad called me. I turned around and saw my favorite cousin of all time, Krishna Madriaga, and Dad.

"OMG. I missed you, Krishna!" I exclaimed, ignoring Dad and going to Krishna's direction.

"Missed you too, Kas." She said, hugging me very tight as if I can't breathe. She broke our hug and looked to me, I also noticed that Dad left us alone. "Come on, let's get you dressed up."

Ugh. That's the thing that I very hate. When she puts some make-up on me, I'm not saying that I hate make-up but its not a big occasion but I've got nothing to do cause she just pulled me up to my room where all of her materials are.


"Is this really me, Isha?" I asked Krishna while me looking at myself on the mirror. Is this really me? There is a goddess in front of me.

"Yes it is, Kassy. That's you." She said laughing at my actions. The jaw dropping lady in front of me is me? Are you effin kidding me? Its unbelievable.

"Okay, I'll go down stairs. Be ready." She said and walked off my room.

I continued to look at myself on the mirror. I'm wearing my blue and white dress with my brown pumps. I also brought my blue pouch. I took a selfie and posted it on Twitter.

"@KMadriaga: #OOTN for Dinner❤"

After tweeting, I glance at the mirror again for the last time before going to Villa Blanca Restaurant, where we will going to meet with the Curry's











"Were here." Dad said after parking. I took a deep breathe before going out of the car and I saw them waiting for us.

I'll be ready as I'll be.


Bam! I updated! Its the teaser of the next chapter. They're going to meet the Curry's! What will happen? Comment down on what you think, niggas!

Outfit of Kasandra on the media. Its cute isn't it? I changed the book cover. Hope you like it.

So, I hope you guys love this chapter! Comment down huh.

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- Aly

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