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"Im sorry, Hunter"

My eyes open slightly, hazily making out a figure with dark hair hovering over me. It took me a while to realize that they where carrying me, or they where, they where putting me down now. My eyes close again and i pass out the last thing i remember is a fleeting feeling of something soft on my forehead.


Where am i?

"Oh my!"


Who's that?

"Oi! Lavi! Allen! Anyone! get your butts out here!"

How long was i out?

Where'd that man go?

"Hey, can you hear me?"

"Ngh..." I groan softly struggling to open my eyes, something was preventing me from opening my left eye.

It hurts...

"Hey, Hey dont pass out"

It was a girl leaning over me this time, from what i could make out with my slightly open eye was that she had long blue hair and a eye patch.

"Raven? Whats going on? Who's that?"

A short boy with silver hair appears next to the girl, a golden ball was flying around him.

Who are these people?

Why cant i remember anything?

"I just found him lying outside the gate, help me get him inside to Komui"

The boy nods and crouches down next to me. "Im Allen, thats Raven, can you tell me your name?"

My name...?

What is my name?

"Im sorry, Hunter"

Hunter? Is that my name?

"It's...Hunter...I think"

The Bat and The Hunter (Previously called: Hunter's Past)Where stories live. Discover now