Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 People!!! :) Enjoy!!!


"Mister Storm, please pay attention!" I whipped around in my seat at the stern voice of my physics teacher, Mr. Matthews.

"Sorry sir," I mumbled, facing front properly again.

He nodded and went back to the lesson he was teaching, something about equations of motion. I groaned inwardly, looked at the clock and, seeing that there were still 20 minutes of class, pulled out my phone

I opened Caden's contact, and texted him.

'Kill me now!'

'No can do,' came the reply


'You'll just have to find another way of relieving yourself of the boredom of physics. Hey here's an idea, how about you pay attention.' I could clearly picture the smirk on my best friend's face.

I rolled my eyes, 'Haha very funny!'

I glanced at the clock again, seeing that only ten minutes had gone by. Sighing, I took out a piece of paper and started doodling, just wanting the day to be over. God, being in grade eleven is a bore.

When the bell finally rang, I was the first one out of the classroom, glad to be free for the weekend. I went to my locker and put my things away, thought for a minute about what I needed for homework, then decided I wasn't going to do it this weekend. I never do it unless it was going to be checked.

Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I closed my locker and made my way to the front of the school, walking out into the sunny parking lot.

"Hey Tristan, wait up!"

I could hear Caden calling me, but I pretended not to, grinning but slowing my pace ever so slightly.

"Hey asshole!"

At that I knew the game was up and started running, giggling like a madman as he chased me.

The problem is that I forgot that he was faster than me. He caught up quickly and tackled me, sending us sprawling.

"Nice try captain giggles." He smirked at me, pinning me down.

I hid behind my hands, feigning terrified, but peeked out every so often to see his hazel eyes watching my green ones intently.

He shook himself, then got up, holding out a hand to help me up too.

"Thanks," I said, brushing myself off and running a hand through my short blonde hair to get rid of any dirt it may have collected.

No problemo, senior." he said and gave me a goofy look, "Race you to my place!"

"Oh you are on!" I said, and bolted off in that direction, looking back as he shook his head and grinned before coming after me.


We were sitting in Caden's bedroom playing a game when I noticed how hot I was.

"Dude, what's the temperature in here?" I asked, wiping my forehead.

He glanced at the thermostat, "72 degrees, why?"

I paused the game, "No way, it's gotta be hotter than 72" I looked at the thing myself, and saw that it was in fact 72 degrees. "But how is that possible? I'm sitting here boiling."

At this point I was getting out of the uncomfortable zone and actually started to feel pain. It felt as though someone was holding a hot piece of metal to every point of my skin at once.

"Argh, I feel like I'm burning from the inside out." I writhed in pain, shutting my eyes tightly.

"Tristan, there's steam coming off your skin." I looked at Caden's scared and bewildered face.

He touched my skin and instantly recoiled, shaking his hand as though burned. "You're too hot to touch."

I struggled to get up and ran outside, falling to the grass as a particularly large wave of pain rolled through me. Then I felt tingling in my hand and looked to see a ball of flame flickering there. I panicked and tried to shake the thing from me, but to no avail. It kept growing until finally it burst out of my hand, blasting a hole in the ground where it hit.

I stood there, my mouth hanging open, my eyes trained on the charred circle I had just made.

"What the hell!?" Caden had come out just in time to see the fireball leave my hand. "What's going on?"

"I wish I knew," I said, still in shock.

"That is so not normal," he said, stating the obvious as usual.

I looked at my finger tips which were still smoking a little bit.

"I wonder if I could do it again," I thought aloud.

"It's worth a shot," Caden said with a shrug.

I focused on heating up my body, and was surprised to find that it responded, heating up again until the point where my hand was engulfed in a blaze. I looked at Caden, flames dripping from my eyes and flickering in my hair. Then released the fireball, burning a second hole beside the first.

"That's incredible! Un-freakin'-believable!" He looked on the verge of madness, running his hands through his light brown hair almost to the point that it started coming out.

"You're telling me." I was dazed, unsure of what was going on, and sort of unnerved at the same time.

At that moment, something happened that would change my life forever.

I felt a blazing heat begin in the dead centre of my chest, then spread out to the rest of my body. I closed my eyes as I felt a surge of power thunder through me. I felt myself leave the ground and come to rest floating a few feet up above it, bringing my arms and legs in to my chest, bowing my head.

Then all at once, it was too much. I flung my arms and legs out as the power burst out of me in a huge wave of fire. My hair ignited, the flames dancing and flickering, my eyes dripping magma. My shirt had been blasted off of me, almost liquefying. A golden sphere surrounded me, not solid, not invisible nor tangible, just there.

Then I drifted back down to the ground, staggering before falling and becoming still, lying in the grass. The aura flickered and died, leaving me drained and exhausted.

Caden came into my line of vision, running toward me, a look of pure terror on his face. I could see his lips moving but no sound came out. He knelt beside my, shaking me, presumably calling my name, but I couldn't hear him. My vision started blackening at the edges, my eyelids drooped. I remember his name leaving my lips before the darkness consumed me.




Pic of Tristan to the side :)

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Magyk (boyxboy) - Book One: FyreWhere stories live. Discover now