Chapter 6

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Hey guys... Well I'm writing this part kinda early in the morning but I knew I needed to update it for my own and your guy's sake.

Hope you enjoy!

Water sloshed around as I walk through the rain in the gloomy, gray morning.
The clouds were almost screaming, their colors of grays unwelcoming as they continue to bundle above in the sky.

I continue to walk through the pike forest, the occasional drops of water hits me- making me jump from the sound or even the impact. This place, was wrong. Everything was wrong right now and I had no idea why.

That's when the voices started.

I jolt awake from the dream, making me sit up as I look around my room sleepily before glancing over at my clock. It was 3 am, and of course I could not go back to sleep so it looks like I'm going to stay up then.

With a sigh, I push the remaining blankets off of me before I stand up- feeling the cool touch of the wood beneath me, sending a chill down my spine.

I go over to the dresser, rummaging through the dresser as I find myself unsatisfied with what I see. It was just the usual jeans and t-shirts, which are nice of course, but I wanted something else instead.

Within a few steps, I stand in front of my closet and open the door- choosing a dress that was made out of solid salmon pink, but the bodice had white lacing patterned on it.

I had never been a girl who liked pink, yes, but this dress changed my look completely. It was a modest cut, and school appropriate of course- so I slipped it on.

Afterwards, I grab my watch from the bedside table- slipping the watch on quickly before I checked the time.


You have to be kidding me! This is going to be a very long morning then. A very long and boring morning, to be more exact.


Finally -after watching different YouTube videos for how to do my make up, curling my hair slightly, making a rather big breakfast, and 5 cups of coffee- it was 7:00 am.

I grab my back pack, knowing it was still rather early- making me pause.

Well I can go take a walk, maybe, in the woods where there is that path I like to take sometimes.

Before I knew it, I was outside in the crisp yet cool air of the morning. The familiar crunching of dirt and leaves beneath my converse, as I headed to the woods.

"Good morning princess!" I hear the famous Nate call out to me, making me scowl as he still hasn't dropped the nickname- what was his problem?!

I turn around, seeing him in a red sweatshirt and jeans as he soon joins me- making me curse under my breath.

What does a girl have to do to be alone anymore?

"What do you want," I say, rather grumpily as I start to walk to the forest- my backpack on one shoulder and then a cup of coffee in another.

"Why are you going to the woods, alone? There could be bears or bandits and such," Nate says, following me still almost like a lost dog.

"Well, I just wanted to look around because I..... Well I just wanted to do something," I say softly, turning around as I lean my back against a pint tree -at the edge of the woods- watching him.

"Well I could have always given you something to do," Nate says as he stands before me, making my heart flutter before he continues. "For the project, of course. I personally don't want a bad grade."

I nod, understanding slightly but I personally was slightly disappointed- I hope that he didn't notice, though, or that would be rather terrible.

My phone soon buzzes, making me jump lightly as that earns a laugh from Nate- making my cheeks turn slightly pink from embarrassment.

To: <Amber>
From: <Chad>
  Want 2 go to the lake tomorrow with me and skip class?

I bite my lip, reading over the text as I  am left with no answer for right now. I simply close my phone, looking up at Nate.

"Princess, you know that everyone is skipping tomorrow- right?" Nate asks me, making me roll my eyes.

I did know, but why did I not want to go with my boyfriend? I should want to go to the lake with him and be his girlfriend, but it didn't feel all that right anymore.

"Yes, I know. How about you and I have some R&R together, out in the woods- there's a cabin here," I say and then continue, "we can work on-" that was all that I managed before I say Nate starting to walk away.

"Sounds good, Princess, see you here at 7 then- tomorrow since you aren't going with your boyfriend," he says- going back to his house as it leaves me here, alone.

Sorry, Chad, but I just want to see where this goes.... I know I still love you, right?

Well that's it then. Hope you enjoyed!

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