chapter four

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i woke up feeling really gross. i didn't shower last night and i needed to shower today anyways. today was saturday and i didn't know if i would be doing anything.

i walked to my bathroom and looked in the mirror, laughing at my appearance. im surprised the mirror didn't break. my hair is a grease pit, i have under eye circles, and i look high.

i got into the shower and washed my hair and my body and got out. once i wrapped my hair up into the towel, i grabbed my makeup bag and my contacts from the drawer next to me.

i put my contacts in and started my makeup. for my makeup, i used waterproof mascara, eyeshadow, blush, and powder.

i went back into my closet and just put a pair of shorts and a t shirt on.

"yo rylie get your ass ready!" kendall yelled barging in through my front door.

"for?" i asked laughing.

"honey we goin out to a party tonight." kendall told me.

"oh okay cool. who's party?" i asked curiously.

"do you remember ethan from senior year?" she asked me.

"uh.. ethan dolan? the one with the twin?" i guessed.
"yeah! well they are having a party and they invited us." she squealed.

"why are you so excited?" i laughed.


"eh, they're alright." i said.

my hair was fully air dried by now so i decided to straighten my hair. my hair is getting really long, it's past my waist.

once i finished straightening it, i put on my outfit.

"girl you look hotttt" kendall said.

"oh my god so do you!" i laughed.

this party should be fun. we got in my car and drove to the dolan house. as we pulled up to the house we could feel the pounding of the music beneath our feet. there were cars everywhere.

we stepped out of the car and walked inside. "yooo its rylie and kendall!" people yelled as we walked in.

during high school, we went to all the parties and i hosted a lot since my house is the perfect party place. i guess you could say kendall and i are pretty well known.

we walked straight to the kitchen, while kendall grabbed a red cup from the counter, i grabbed a water. if i am going to be drinking, i need to start off with water. that's just what i prefer to do. plus, those drinks could be drugged.

"rylie! imma go find a boy!" kendall yelled while walking away from me. i chose to not answer. the entire time i drank my water i sat on the kitchen counter observing my surroundings.

i finished my water and instead of grabbing a drink off the counter, i grabbed a bottle of unopened vodka and poured myself a glass. i started walking around to find people i knew from senior year.

as soon as i heard the beat to 'truffle butter' come on, i made my way to the dance floor. i could care less if i was alone, i will find someone.

"TELL THEM NIGGAS WE AINT HIDIN FROM IT" i yelled as i danced to the music. my hips swayed to the sound of lil waynes' voice when it came up. i felt a pair of hands on my waist, i didn't bother to look up and see who the person was but must i say it was a pretty good dance moves. his hands guided where my hips went from left to right.

"how do you dance in those heals babygirl?" the muffled, deep voice asked. i guess it's a guy then. i turned around to my surprise it being cameron. "oh... uh... hey..." i said. "riley, what are you doing here?" cam asked. "obviously i came to party but i should go anyways." i told him as i began walking away.

"no don't leave." he said grabbing my forearm and pulling me back. "no i'm serious i really should leave, i have work tomorrow." i said.

"okay.." he frowned. i couldn't find her anywhere downstairs. oh gosh. she's in trouble. i banged on the bathroom door "kendall!" i yelled. at first there was a pause, "what!" i heard her yell. she stumbled out the bathroom door. "what boy is in there?" i questioned.

"dude chill the fuck out i was peeing." she rolled her eyes. "bitch i don't need my best friend getting preggers with some fuckboy thank you very much. we gotta go anyways." i ordered. "no." she stated. "okay, no ride home then? wanna wake up here in a pile of bodies that smell like sweat and have a migraine with no motrin?" i pointed. "true." she grabbed onto my hand as we went outside and found my car. i saw that my car was parked a little far from the house so i decided on taking off my heels.

i got into the front seat of my car car as kendall slid into the backseat and passed out. the car ride home was silent until we arrived at my house.

i dragged kendall into my house and got ready for bed.

i have to get a good nights sleep because we have work tomorrow, plus i have church at 10 and at 6 i have to go to my moms dinner party for her work.

i went to bed soon after i checked my phone.


right after church, i went back to the house and picked up kendall. she had these big sunglasses on. hangovers. i laughed out loud. work is gonna suck for her.

we arrived at the mall and we got out of the car.

kendall groaned as i unlocked the hollister doors.

"kendall. shut up. we are our own managers/bosses so when we hire other people, we can take a day off work when we want." i laughed.

"yes." she mumbled.


i left work early, considering i had a dinner party to attend at 6. it was currently 5:30 and all i needed to do was get dressed and drive to the italian restaurant.

i got dressed and headed to the dinner place. "hey mom." i greeted her, when i saw her walking into the building.

"hey honey, you're going to be meeting many new people, most of these people i have hired recently." she told me.

"oh okay cool." i said.

i walked to wear the dinner party was being held, behind closed doors in the back of the restaurant. when i walked in, everyone started staring at me. there were some middle-aged people, and there were some younger people. maybe in their 30s or 20s.

i sat down at an open chair and set my purse under the table. i started walking around to random people introducing myself.

"hi, i'm riley smith, i am bethany smiths daughter." i smiled and shook everyone's hands.


it was now time for dinner and i went and sat down in the place i put my purse. i looked around the table noticing there was a seat that was empty. i ignored it, and began eating my pasta. after about 10 minutes of eating, and chatting, someone opens the door.

i looked over and saw someone i expected to never see. especially here. at a dinner party. for a law firm.

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