if they only knew. Chapter 3

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Friday. Everybody’s anxious for PE Class for Monday. We all just heard that Mr. Scotch, coach of the school’s basketball and volleyball team, would be handling our PE Class as a replacement for Ms. Orem who quit yesterday. Did I mention that he’s rough and harsh? I haven’t bought a basketball yet, I was frightened. So, I asked Jill to go to the mall with me.

We were out of hope. I only have 300 in my pocket. Everything were like above 500. I CAN’T AFFORD IT. I don’t want to borrow money to Jill. It’s not very sophisticated to ask money from others.

I wandered in the toy store, asking for something less than 300. They said they don’t have that kind of price. Everything turned around when I saw a cute, big, orange teddy bear at the farthest corner of the toy store. It was worth 100. Jill said that I won’t have enough money to buy a basketball. But then, the manager approached us and told us: “Ma’m, if you buy this big teddy bear, you will have a free Spalding basketball. It’s a limited offer miss. Would you like to take it?” I don’t care if that’s sales-talk. I’m buying that orange teddy bear and no one’s gonna’ stop me.

Jill and I became hungry, so we bought doughnuts, iced teas, and searched for a place to sit. We sat down in front of the candy store. Then, there he is again. Chris. I saw Chris go inside the flower shop. Jill was like: “OMGOMGOMG! ARVEE! IT’S CHRIS! IT’S CHRIS! OMG! What is he doing here? Is it coincidence? Is it fate? Is it destiny? This is your chance Arvee. GO FOR HIM!!” So, I grabbed a doughnut, pulled myself up, and went inside the flower shop.

Err. I’m not stalking him. And I’m also not following him. I just decided to buy flowers for myself. It’s just coincidence that he’s in the part of the shop where they sell marigolds and sunflowers, and I’m here at the door, going in. Okay, I’m lying. LOL. He’s there. He’s circling the shop, looking at every flower he sees. I instantly became jealous of the flowers there, and the female clerks as well. They were all over him. I didn’t know what they’re saying to him. They we’re talking to him like they’re very close. Hmm. Maybe he’s courting someone there, or maybe one of them is his girlfriend. *sigh*

I was about to leave. But when I heard him call my name, I stopped and looked around. “Hi Arvee. How are you? Are you going to buy flowers, too?” Those sentences. Those few sentences, JUST MADE MY DAY. He’s smiling, with that dreamy eyes, that perfectly white teeth, that pale red lips, and that #18 Fix perfume. He also asked me if I could join him. Without hesitation, I SAID YES!

He asked me where I’d like to go. I told him that anywhere’s fine. Then, he became quiet. Did I offend him? Was it my breath? Do I have chocolate in my teeth? Does he think that the thing I’m wearing is terrible that he doesn’t want anybody to see him with somebody who dresses awfully? I asked him why he was quiet, and he just smiled. I’m freaking out. I’M FREAKING OUT.


It’s Friday. I got this group message from our class president that Ms. Orem is on leave for 3 months and that Coach Scotch would be our PE teacher. It’s bad news for them. They don’t know that Coach Scotch is the best coach ever. Did you know that every after basketball practice he’d treat us some pizza and cotton candy? *sniff* I love that fat guy.

After I took a bath, I went straight to the mall to check if there are orange roses. I hope there is. As I walking inside, I saw Arvee and Jill go inside the toy store. They were looking for a basketball. I asked some salespeople there why she’s still not buying the balls. They said that she asks for something cheaper than 300. So, I talked to the manager and asked her if they have a big, orange teddy bear. They took one out, and I told them to put it in a corner Arvee hasn’t gone to yet. I also asked if they could tell her that the bear costs 100 and that they’re giving away a free Spalding ball with it. The manager told me: “But sir, she can’t afford the bear.” This is my reply: “Don’t worry. I’ll be paying for the bear, and the ball. Just do everything that I said, alright?

Arvee was raging. She was eager to buy the teddy bear. She’s so cute.

When they left, I paid for the bear and the ball. I thanked everyone. I got hungry, so I ate first. Then, I rushed to the flower shop. I asked them if they had orange roses, and they said they don’t. It was disappointing. I asked them if they have something orange, and they led me to a rack of flowers that are barely orange. I asked them if they have something more orange. They said: “Why don’t you look for something better sir? We have a variety of roses in the right.

As I was wandering in the shop, I saw Arvee again. I thought they went home already. I’m panicking. I don’t want her to see me buying flowers that I will give to her. It’s not in the plan. So, I wandered in the shop as many times as I could. But she’s not leaving yet. Then, a few female clerks came up to me, asking if Arvee is my girlfriend. Well, I hope she is. They were asking if the flowers I’ll be buying is for her. I told them yes. They were giggling and blushing and telling me that it’s so sweet.

Arvee was leaving. I saw her going out. I quickly ran as fast as I could. I don’t care if I haven’t bought a single flower, I just want to be with her. I approached her, and asked her if she could come with me. And, SHE SAID YES! BOOM!

I didn’t know where to take her. I asked her where she’d like to go. This is what she said: “Anywhere. As long I’m with you.” Those words, it felt like heaven. I was blank. I didn’t what to say. Does she like me too? OH PLEASE GOD. PLEASE MAKE HER LIKE ME. 

if they only knew. [ON HOLD]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang