The letter in the box

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The funeral was very emotional and i had the letter that my brother had left me. So I stood up and said "i have the last letter of my brother." Everyone looked at me and the preacher said " well go a head and read the letter child" so that is exactly what i did. This is what it said "Hello, if your reading this letter. That means i never made it home from the war and i gave my life for my country. So little brother if your read this letter. i have left you enough money to go to college. I knew i would never be able to make to college so every time i could save some money i did and i put it in a college fund for you. Mom, i want you to take my cars and sell them. Please keep some money for your dreams and with the rest please start a charity that will help those families who have lost loved ones to war. And to every one who has been there to help me thank you all." When i finished reading that letter everyone was in tears. 

A soldier's last wordsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora