Chapter 1~ The Beginning

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I stare into the empty house blankly. Kyle and I walk further into our new home, slowly taking it all in.

"Do you guys like it?" My mom asks.

"It's.. A house." Kyle says not quite accepting how humongous the houeturly is. There are 20 foot vaulted ceilings, a small chandelier, and a large staircase winding up stairs. Everything in this house is pure elegance.

"How did you guys afford this?" I ask incredulously.

"Don't ask. We wanted to get the best experience for you two so here we are, spoiling you guys rotten." My mom says, Beaming.

"Thank you?" My expectation was to be in a modest size house with enough room to get us by. But instead, this.

"The rooms are upstairs." My dad says straining to pull in my mom's pink suitcase. Immediately I take off up the stairs with Kyle hot on my tail. He catches up to me and pushes me down so that he can get his chance at the better room. He runs to the two rooms at the end of the hallway and opens the one closest, then the one at the end of the hallway. Immediately, judging their size, he chose the one at the end of the hallway. All this I watched happen on the floor at the top of the stairs. I groan loudly and go to the room next door to his.

I can tell immediately my room is twice as big as our old room. And it's all mine. The walls are a pale green with white moulding with two pairs of doors on the back wall and the right side wall. The rest is bare. I head over to the doors on the right and find a closet, again, two or three times bigger than our old closet. The door on the back wall led to a balcony. I have a balcony! What?? After staring out at the view for a few seconds, I hear a door next to me open and see Kyle standing outside only about 3 feet from my balcony.

"Well hello." I say scaring him out of a trance.

"Dude. Have you seen this house?" He asks, his eyes open wide.

"Yeah.. It's insanely big." My head is reeling, trying to figure out how we could be so lucky to move from a moderate house to such a mansion. Looking out at the neighborhood around us, I see that a lot of the houses are alike to ours. There are trees everywhere covering lawns and giving partial-privacy to the houses. Now, we're not talking able to run around naked privacy, but at least the neighbors cant spy on me while I work on the yard or something (ha I don't actually do yard work).

Moving my attention to the people who were outside and (quite noisily) playing some good ol' soccer. I counted five of them after several times of trying to get them all straight. They seemed to be pretty good friends with each other, but none of them seemed over twenty five.

Interrupting my thoughts Kyle says, "Wanna go say hi?". He smirks at me and gives me a look that actually says, "They're cute.. wanna go hit on them?"

Yes, I do want to go say hi, but I also would rather pry my eyeballs out with toothpicks. Talking to cute guys the first day that you get here? No less twenty minutes after we pull up? Yeah, no. I think I'll just stay here.

"Nah, they seem busy."

"Wow that sounds like a personal problem. I think they won't mind meeting their hot new neighbors." he walks back into his room and appears behind me. Grabbing my arms he, quite violently, yanks me towards the door.

"NO, STOP" I throw my weight against him and root myself to the ground. I struggle against him, but for a small person, he was strong. And persistent. "FINE!" I do eventually get up and walk with him downstairs.

"Where are you guys going?" my dad asks us, not taking his eyes off the box that he was so religiously unpacking.

"Meeting the new neighbors" Kyle says, beaming. Rolling my eyes and dragging my feet against him, I follow him out the front door.

Crossing the driveway and past a few trees to the lawn of these five mystery boys. They spot us immediately and sort of awkwardly stop playing their game of soccer. We make our way over to them while they awkwardly watch us.

"Stare much?" Kyle yells at them. They then all realize that they are staring and turn to look awkwardly at their feet. The whole situation is just awkward.

When we finally reach them, Kyle thankfully starts off the conversation by saying, "Yo what's up?" I inwardly facepalm. Yo what's up?? They're going to hate us forever. And ever.

"Nothing dawg, whats about you?" one of them slightly yells at us. The others quietly remind him that he is yelling.

Kyle gives him "the look". Scrutinizing if he is worthy of being a friend, judging him and if he is really a good person. Really, he is deep in thought.

Actually, her "gaydar" is going off.

I wish i was kidding, but he thinks that he can sense when a gay person is near. She makes a face, and then suddenly warms up to that person. If I'm being honest, it's actually accurate. I think it's creepy.. but hey, to each their own.

"I'm Kyle" he says, happier than ever. That kid, I swear..

"I'm Danielle" I say following in his lead.

"Cool! Well I'm Louis" the kid who Kyle stared a hole through with her gaydar says.

"I'm Harry" a curly-haired boys says coming up behind Louis and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm Zayn" the dark-haired guy says. Gosh.. his brown eyes are gorgeous.

"I'm Liam" This one seems very chill and funny. He is the only one who has been smiling through the whole thing.

"And I'm Niall" The blonde one, who needs to re-dye his roots, says.

They each have accents from the "British Land Place" as I affectionately call it. Except for the last. Niall.. His accent is something else, Scottish? No, Irish.

"Well you guys seem cool. I require that we hang out sometime," Kyle says. Kyle. You can't just be that foreward with people.

"Absolutely!" And he strikes again. Dang, he's good.


yes, i created this. this will be the best book you'veever read.

you may be asking yourself, why?

because i said so


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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