Back at school part 2

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Normal pov
Erin and Michael rushed into the Irish classroom just as the bell rang out . Irish was Erin's favorite class because the teacher was mental but in a good way . Ms Crowe was her name and she was so tall like 6.4" and always wore a short black skirt and a black blazer that had a purple shirt and purple high heels . As she started her "lesson" she talked about her vacation with her boyfriend and all their fun . Everyone zoned out except Michael and Erin they chuckled at the teachers low key freak outs when suddenly the teachers phone began to go off from a text from her boyfriend . The students could tell it was her boyfriend from her squeal of excitement . She screamed through her phone trying to fake being angry but everyone could tell she was so upset .

Ms.Crowe's aka Kate pov
Ugh no why did he do this to me on our vacation . All the students were now staring at me wide eyed in shock as tears streamed down my face . Put then my star pupil Michael came to me and whispered in my ear "we all know what happened so um maybe call off class" and then I shouted out "of course" put then I heard a few snickers and then I began to laugh myself and then made the announcement to the class and dismissed them for the day . After I said that all of my students came up to my desk one by one all leaving little notes my favorite one was one from Erin and Michael that read "dear teach we both have wealthy uncles ready to come in for "parent teacher meetings" I even chucked and said I'd take them up on the offer .

Erin's pov
Social studies was the second easiest class because all the stuff we work on in class is on computers and I just listen to music . Now finally the bell rang and I packed up my bag . I looked up and saw a dirty blonde haired green eyed boy who said jokingly "well hello my ladie ready to leave the ball" it was our cute little thing so I played along "why nothing in the world would make me happier" I said in a southern belle accent . As we got on the bus it was empty as most people would have clubs but not us we were going to skate boarding today . I love going skateboarding with Michael he's funny and I'm way better so I try to rub it in his face . I got of the bus with Michael and then we started to walk to my house he always walks me home . As I said goodbye he was half ways over the fence but when he tried to salute me and fell straight off the fence which made me laugh as I walked in home .

Thanks to everyone who read my chapters I hope continue the story for a bit longer
Bye guys ~

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