Dexter/The ones for you

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Dexter Diary 

Dear diary stuff at ever after high has been alright but oh my god why dose Raven queen have to be so beautiful i wanna admit my feeling to her but i dont know how she maybe dosent fell the same way i do but its worth a shot asking her out.I just dont when to do it like when is it gonna be the right time i wish i was like my older brother the great daring charming everything seems to be so easy for him but how should i just take cupids advice to hexting her just go for it cant be that bad just breathe okay ill take my mirrorphone okay 

dexter and Raven Hext

Dexter:hey raven i was wondering if you wanted to go out with me this saturday?

Raven:Like a date?

Dexter:Yes hexaclly 

Raven:oh,sure when ??

Dexter:What about this friday ill pick you up around 7:00 a your dorm

Raven:sounds like a plan (;

Dexter:okay  (;

Raven:well i have to go bye(:

Dexter:good bye (;

hexting stops 

well anyways dex how bad was that it only wednesday you still have time to come down but why dose she have to be so cute I really should do some homework.......after doing some homework.its pretty late so i should proplarly  go to bed i do the stuff i normally do before going to be.

the next day 

So i woke up and got ready for school.I go down for breakfast at the castletira for breakfast.I see Raven sitting down, looking pretty as normal !!! I went up to her \

Dexter:"hey raven"

Raven :"hey dexter,wanna sit"

Dexter:"sure" dexter takes a seat next to raven 

Raven:"so raven how is it going "

Dexter: alright,good i guess you

Raven"I guess im doing alright " Raven smiles 

raven and dexter for the whole breakfast 

later that day

    dear diary 

       today was alright i got to hang out with raven and stuff,but aside from that why is everything seems easier better for my older brother daring charming he always makes by father proud but what do i do i always feel like i dissappoint to him but hey is almost saturday ill get to have that date with raven on saturday it should be good Well im hoping I dont know I just feel so stress buy ill fiqure it out.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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