Lace Me Up, Will You?

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Okay guys, I have a few announcements to make! I've changed my username and a lot of things about myself since I last uploaded a chapter for this story. Also, in Ceramic I feel like I had more written and it didn't save and failed to publish. It could've been a dream I had and still remember, close to a year later, but eh. ANYWAYS go check out my other story Purely Innocent if you're into Black Butler/Kuro and loving Ciel, I'm actually kinda proud of it kinda. ANOTHER ANYWAYS, on with the Twine!~Analise,Ciel,Jena,Alois,plus

Fletcher's eyes widened and he grabbed my wrist as I tried to walk off.
"Ev, you can't do that, they'll kill you! Figuratively, I think, meaning you'd get in trouble. The details are important because this seems like a situation where somebody could kill another person," he trailed off when he noticed my glare.
"Sorry Evan. I just worry about you. You're reckless and I love it, but now might not be the best time". I nodded and pried my hand away.

When I got to the door I flicked open the blade to a pocket knife. I reach to the center in the back where the mug shards cut me. It's warmish and I smear some of the blood around before drawing my hand away and licking it off my fingers. Fletcher watches me and I wink at him.
"Lace me up, will you?" I ask in a deeper seductive voice and he rushes to my side tying and threading the ribbon in the corset.
"Thanks kid." I grin and brush some of his hair to the side. When did I become the confident one? Were the cigarettes laced or something? Ha...

Just when I stab the flimsy screen a box slides through a panel with SORRY written neatly on the front. I drop the knife and slide the box over to myself with my foot. It was taped closed, so I obviously use the brute force of weaponry to persuade it open. Inside was a black dress, pajamas, and some regular clothes along with a giant bottle of Jack Daniel's or three, and assorted medicines like aspirin, painkillers and Prozac. Not to mention a first aid kit and some time-passers. Satisfied with my box I threw on the blood red robe they provided, which my own blood seeped into afterward.

Another box on the other side of the room shoots in through a different panel. It had FLETCHER-and some scribbles over a word I couldn't read. He picked up a nice flannel and skinny jeans, some pajamas and casual clothes including less fancy flannel, a note, the same entertainment I got, and three giant bottles of vodka. He also got shower supplies, which made no sense to me.
"Read the note. I wanna know-" he cut me off with a soft kiss. I could feel my face turn 30 shades of red and then return to normal. He looked at the paper and began reading off
"Hello Fletcher and Evan, we know you're wondering why you're here and how you got here. Not yet young ones. I'm sure you did find out we want to see you in an intimate, if not, romantic relationship together. We've provided you more boxes around the room, which you will find when you hit the light switch by the screen Evan mutilated. You have a bathroom with a shower and bath, toilet and sink. There is also a Queen sized bed and a television set up with Netflix for you. We assume you've noticed the alcohol we gave you, along with various medicines. If you need anymore just say the word, but if you want to OD we wil, Ito be saving you, it's not our job, but your partner's. We also included more cigarettes in another box with another lighter. Have fun you two~ We".

I put my head to my hands and thought Well I can deal if they'll provide me drinks, food, a bed, Netflix, cigarettes, and that other shit. Fletcher goes and smacks the light and illuminates the things promised. I put on some yoga pants and carry my box to the bathroom.
"Yo! Come take this thing off of me!" I yell about the corset and hold the front down as the black haired beauty unties it. He scampers off and opens boxes with labels on them as to what they were for and such. I put on a regular type of lace black bra and a purple crop top with skeleton hands flipping the bird over my boobs. Fletcher grins when I walk out with an unlit cigarette hanging from my mouth, box in one hand, whiskey in the other.
"It's time to get settled in", I say as I put down my box in a corner and light up while cracking the seal on the Daniel's.

We tried to make this chapter longer than the last one, and I guess we did, but sorry it's shorter than I'd like it to be. We're trusting really hard to get back into our writing days, and we're sorry to keep you all waiting for so long. We hope you enjoyed this chapter, and we'd like to give possible future trigger/SH warnings, and there will be one if there is content like that in a chapter, but here is this to be fair. Also if you have substance abuse issues maybe this story isn't the best for you because of the constant drinking and smoking. We're sorry, but we needed something to set us off again with the edgy writing. PLEASE KEEP READING WHEN WE UPDATE WITHIN A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME THANKS!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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