Chapter 1

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"Boom!!" I heard a door close downstairs which means that no one is home. I opened my bedroom door and went down the hall to my father's office.I opened the door and it creaked a little.

I walked inside closing the door behind me and turning on the lights. I walked to his desk and started looking through the scattered papers on his desk. I wish he was more organized.

My brother's and sister's obviously know what is going on even my nom. And she is oblivious to everything unless it is about her. They are all lying to me about something. And I need to find out what. I need to know why they treat me like I am a secret weapon that they don't want the enemy to know about.

I need to know why my siblings have more pictures than I do on the wall. Why they have blonde hair and blue eyes. Why do they look like models. And I look like a girl that has just left a greasy diner.

I continued looking through the papers too see if any of them were unusual. But no everything was squeaky clean. Next I went to the drawers but they were locked. Of course they were my father loves his privacy.

I looked beside his computer and under the mouse pad with no luck. Then I looked in the little middle drawer of the desk and found a bronze key. I hope this works. I unlocked the drawers and looked through the papers. Nothing. Nothing at all that could help me with my problem.

I quickly locked the drawers back after putting back the papers like they were before and put the key back after closing the drawer. I sat down in the big leather chair behind the desk. And layed back and sighed. What am I gonna do. I need answers.

In the corner of my eye I looked at my fathers bookshelf. Which clearly looks like it has been moved. I don't know why he has a bookshelf because he hates reading. Yet he is the best businessman you have ever seen or met in your entire life.

I got up and used the little strength thay I had. And then I saw something that answered my prayers and had my heart beating rapidly at the same time. It was a safe. I smiled too myself. But anything could be in there a gun, money, or papers which is something I really need.

I bent down and put my ear to the safe. I don't know why probably because I saw it on TV. What the hell am I thinking I'm not a safe cracker. I just have too think. I touched the dial and set it to the digits of my birthday. Then pulled. Nope. I mean why would I think it would be my birthday its not like I am special to him if he has to keep secrets from me.

I then tried my mothers, his, and my siblings birthday but nope. Then I thought what does ny father love most. Money. And what is his source of money. Eisenhower Enterprises. Which is the name of his company. And when did it begin. Dammit I forgot I should really start listening to his stupid business lectures.

Come on think Carter, think. Got it. Septemeber 4, 1997. I put the digits in. I smiled when it opened. I looked inside and saw papers and a bag. I grabbed everything. I looked inside the bag and there was money and a wallet. I looked in the wallet and saw a credit card and passport but what made me worry is that there wasn't one for me only for my family.

I heard the alarm go off in the house which means that someone is home. I quickly put everything in the bag except for the wallet and passports. I placed them back in the safe then closed it and set it back on zero. Then I grabbed the bag and got up pushing the shelf back to its place and making sure everything is in its place.

I quickly left the office quietly closing the door behind me and walking too my room. I walked in my room sliding the bag under my bed and hopping in the bed. Grabbing my phine and pretend I was on it the whole 15 minutes I was in the office snooping around.

I heard a door close then footsteps towards my door. And my heart beating like it is about to jump out of my chest. I heard a knock.

"Come in." I said a little out of breath. In walked my mother.

"Hey sweetheart I just came back to grab your father's keys and to tell you that we are gonna be back late tonight. And Amy and Stewart are gonna be with there friends tonight." She said smiling. But I knew it was fake. All of it. There smiles and laughs towards my jokes are always fake.

"Ok, I was just about to go into the shower anyways." I said using the same tone right back at her.

She noodded her head the walked out closing the door behind her. I got out of the bed opening the door making sure she was leaving then heard the door close downstairs. I closed the door then grabbed the bag from under the bed.

I took the papers out and scattered them all over my bed. I looked at them and all of them were about me. There was ny birth certificate but I thought I had my birth certicicate. There was my social security card but I thought I had that. Then there was an envelope. I grabbed it and opened it. Inside were pictures of me I think. I have no clue what I looked like when I was little.

And then there were pictures of two people I have never seen before. Then I saw a letter. It was written in cursive and had little splatters on it which means whoever wrote it was crying. I unfoloded it and started to read.

Dear Emily,
If you ever read this letter I want you too know that your father and I love you deeply. I doubt you will read it considering they probably won't tell you what us going on. Anyways I don't know what they are gonna change your name too. But just know that is not your name you are not there daughter.

Your name is Emily Rose Powers. And you are in house filled with people that are not your family. They are thieves and traitors. I can't tell you everything right now. But just remember not too believe a word they say too you.

I love you sweetie. Stay stong.

Love mommy

I can't believe it.

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