chapter 9

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When I Was Done Putting On My Shoes I Ran Outside , Cause My Mom Was Waitinq For Me In The Car .
Mom :"You Ready ?"
Me :"yeah".
We Rode To School & I Saw Kids Outside Talkinq . I Got Down & said Bye To My Mom .
Mom :"Wait !! Heres Your Scheduale".
Me :"Okay".
When My Mom Left I Saw The Same Guys Outside Sittinq Down In Some Blue Benches . But I Ignored Them & Started Walkinq To School .. When I Was Walkinq I Heard Someone Laughinq . I Turned Around & It Was Dylan With A Boy Wearinq A Grizzly Shirt . Well I Kept Walkinq & tried Ignorinq Them . / When I Got To Class I Couldnt Believe it . The Same Boys Were In My Class 😫 . Ughhh . The Whole Classed Stared At Me . & Thats When The Teacher Introuduce Me .
Teacher :"Students , we Have A New classmate ".
I Could See the Whole Class Starinq At Me !! I Was So Freaked Out .
Teacher :"Hey .. Ummm *checks Her List* Arlett .. Sit Next To Steven ".
I Didnt Knew Who Was Steven But She Pointed To Him , It Was The Grizzly Shirt Boy -.- . I Sat Down Next To Him & He Was Just Turninq Around To Dylan Laughinq . Thats When He Turned Around To Me .
Steven : "Hey Sugar Momma"
*starts laughinq*
Me :"What Do You Want ?"
Steven :"Nothinq Haha . Ew What You Got In Your Face ? . Wait Nvm Thats How U Normally Look"
He Started Laughinq & So Did Some Other People .
it was lunch time , i was hella hungry cause i didnt ate breakfast . when i got there they were givinq hot dogs & other stuff . when i got my food i went to look for a place to sit , the only place empty was with some girls (3) & i noticed janeth was with them .
me :"hi can i sit here ?"
them :"sure".
janeth :"Girls This Is Arlett , Shes My New Neighboor".
Thats when one of the girl said some to me.
Girl :"Hi Im Abriana".
Abriana Had Some Pretty Eyes & She Was So Pretty (nh)
Abriana : "and This Is Amber " pointing to the girl next to her .
amber :"hiii !! (:"
They Were all So Pretty & I Was Like So Ugly . 😫
Me :"Hi"
I Sat Down & Started Lookinq Down .
Janeth :"Whats Wronq ?"
Me :"oh nothinq . im just not used to this school".
Ambers :"Dont Worry You Will Soon".
When We Got Done Eatinq We Went To Throw Our Food Away . Thats When Steven Came Up To Me ..

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