8) The Mission

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A/N: Emblem courtesy of www.zilliondesigns.com/free-logo-maker


I followed Preston for most of the day. I had three classes today, Air Elemental Studies, Water Elemental Studies, and Alignment History. The first two were pretty simple seeing as how we only covered techniques and movements to refine our alignments.

Alignment History was new to me, but I got through it and followed Preston to the lunch room. "You know you don't have to follow me around all day right?" asked Preston as we got in line to get our food.

I shrugged at him and kept my head low as I grabbed a tray and moved down the line. "Well, you're definitely not going to eat with me, so I advice you to find somewhere else to eat," he stated as he got his food.

I sighed as I got my own food and made my way to an empty table near the doors of the lunch room. I sat down and started looking down at my food. I grabbed my drink and started taking small sips of it. All the tables around me were slowly filling up except for mine.

I put my drink down and looked up at the doors as I saw one of the members enter. The soft hum of voices in the lunch room died down quickly as the member scanned the crowd trying to look for someone. He looked around until his eyes fell upon me and slowly started walking towards me.

"Terri Woodrow," said the member as he neared my table. "Come with me please."

I frowned and looked down at my tray full of untouched food. "Leave it there, it will get taken care of," he stated.

I nodded and stood up. I left the tray on the table and followed the member through the doors. We made our way to the stairs and walked down to the first floor. The rooms passed by us as we made our way to the main entrance. "What's going on?" I asked as we left the elect training facility.

The member paused as he stared down into the valley. "There is a small village down in the valley that is in a state of emergency that needs help," he said as he pointed down into the valley.

I saw a small grid down in the valley that was made up of some buildings and roads. "Can't you members do that yourself?" I asked as I stared down into the village.

He glanced over at me and then back at the village. "That village down there is being invaded by a tribe close to them. They have remained neutral for many centuries so they are not prepared to defend themselves. We are not aligned with any tribe in the world so all we can do for anyone who asks for us to help them is provide them with supplies and quick defense walls," he stated softly.

He pulled out maroon colored underarmor and handed it to me. "You need to help them with an actual defense using your alignments," he stated as he looked back down at the village.

"Can't you send anyone else but me, I'm new here still," I asked him as he stood up and took a deep breath.

"You are from the Laudel Tribe, you are a born warrior," he stated.

He knelt down to one knee and placed one hand on the ground spread out. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He stood back up slowly, raised his arms above his head, took one hard step forward, and quickly lowered his arms besides him.

There was a cloud of dust near the edge of the cliff and it slowly thinned out to reveal a slide carved into the side of the cliff. The member let out his breath slowly and stood up straight. "Let's go," he said as he jumped into the slide and slid down the cliff while standing up on his feet.

I put on the black underarmor and slowly walked over to the slide and jumped in feet first into the slide.I started sliding rapidly down the slide on my back and reached out my hand to feel that the slide felt completely smooth and polished.

Elemental AlignmentsWhere stories live. Discover now