What Stays In Our House...

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Dad filed a divorce. I guess it wasn't like, a spur of the moment decision because I found out that they have been thinking about getting one for a long time. After school one day, mom and dad sat me and Norma down at our kitchen table. "Jonathon, Norma, you father and I made a decision. Please don't take this the wrong way, but both of us think the other person is raising you two kids wrong." Is there a right way to take that? "And," mom continued, "You are going to stay here with me and in the weekends, I'll drive you guys to your father's house on the weekend." So, this is what happens. Why did I need to play basketball in the first place? Now my parents are divorced because my career in basketball. If I quit when I first suspected this, maybe I could have prevented it. Now how am I gonna focus on my big game?
** Sorry this chapter is so short! I was busy making another story which you should totally check out!**

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