Chapter 9

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When I woke up the next morning Cody was already up. He was cooking something and I had to go to the bathroom, and I didn't even know where it was at. I walked into the kitchen where Cody was and had to ask him where the bathroom was.

I went to the bathroom and then came back out and Cody was cooking something, I didn't know what it was and really didn't because I was so hungry.

It turned out to be pancakes and bacon, which was actually great. After we finished eating we decided to go actually set my room up now.

We got the room set up pretty fast, but all of my clothes are still in boxes. I was also still wearing my clothes from yesterday. I searched through all of the boxes for clothes to wear.

After I got dressed I decided to go somewhere, Cody left and went somewhere a couple of hours ago. I also didn't want to be in the house by myself. I don't know how I would've been able to live in my own house by myself.

I just went to Starbucks because I really wanted it and I didn't know where else to go. While I was sitting there I got a text from my friend Elise. She's really been the only person besides Cody and Maxx that I've talked to since the whole Maddie and Jacob situation. Everyone else either believed Maddie or they didn't know what to think so they stopped talking to both of us.

I told her where I was and she decided to come meet up with me here. I haven't actually saw her in person since before warped tour. She's has always been the only person that I was kind of close to besides Maddie.

"Hello." Someone said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh hi." It was Elise.

"So what's been going on with you." Well she's about to get a story.

"I got kicked out by my mom for the whole Jacob and Maddie situation, and she didn't believe me. So I moved in with Cody." She looked at me like I was crazy. "The Cody that you hate?" Oh I didn't tell her that I was kind of friends with Cody now. "During warped tour me and Cody kind of became friends."

"Okay that makes sense, I don't understand why your mom would believe Maddie over you." I honesty didn't either, but she's always been like that and didn't believe a lot of what me or Maxx would say. "I don't either, but I guess I finally got to move out." She just nodded.

"So when does school start again for you." I kind of had forgotten about school until she just asked that question. "It starts in two weeks, I really haven't even been thinking about it there's been so much going on."

"You honesty do have a crazy life." We kept talking for awhile longer. After that I decided to go get the little bit of stuff that I needed for school.

Once I got home it was actually eleven at night. Cody still wasn't home and I really couldn't leave again because there was no where for me to go. I just sat on the couch and every little noise even sometimes if it was me scared me.

Then I got a text from Jacob.

Jacob: so you really were cheating on me with him you slut

Alex: no I wasn't and how did you even know that I moved in with him

Jacob: I saw you and him moving your stuff and then go to his house

Alex: why were you watching us and how did you know that we went to his house

Jacob: because I followed you

Alex: well you can stop that because it's creepy and I don't know if you remember this or not but you were already cheating on me anyways

Jacob: yeah but you were cheating on me with him


I never responded to anything else he was saying because there was no point. Another thing was in person I can't lie about anything, but of course my mom or anyone wouldn't really know that because I don't lie for that reason.

I just went to bed after that because I was tired. But I didn't go to sleep I ended just being on my phone for what seemed like hours until Cody got home. What seemed like hours was only about thirty minutes.

Jacob was still texting me, and I honestly didn't want to but I couldn't keep myself from reading them. Maddie also started to text me, they kept saying the same stuff over and over again and ended up saying new stuff also.

By the time that Cody was actually home I was crying and there was no stopping it. I knew since my door was still open and I was no where in the house he would most likely come up here.

"What's going on?" I felt like I couldn't even say anything so I just handed him the phone with all of the text messages still on the screen they were still coming anyways.

Cody sat down on the bed and read them. He seemed to get more mad with everyone that he read. Once he was down he pulled me onto his lap and I cried into his chest. He also kept saying things like I wasn't any of those things and to not let them get to me.

I looked up at him, he wiped the tears off of my face with his thumbs. "Trust me you're not any of those things." He kissed my forehead then pulled me back in closer to him. We sat like that for awhile, I don't know what I would be downing right now if Cody hadn't come back yet or I was still back at home by myself.

I finally calmed down and Cody went to bed. I didn't want him to leave but I also didn't want to ask him to stay. I somehow fell asleep and didn't wake up until almost two o'clock the next day.

I didn't want to get up though, I just wanted to go back to sleep. When I'm asleep I don't have to worry about anything and don't have to do anything because I'm sleeping.

The whole day wasn't to bad I didn't do anything, I really didn't want to anyways. I just texted Elise what happened and talked to her for a little while.

I also called Maxx and told him what was going on. I think he was also mad about it like Cody was but I didn't really know because we were talking on the phone.

They didn't text me all day I don't know if it's because I just ignored them last night and they found no point in it, also when they texted me last night it was literally the middle of the night, so maybe they just didn't have the time for it.

After Cody told me to I just blocked both of their phone numbers. I was just happy that I wasn't at a house by myself right now and the person that I lived with actually did care about me.

I Hate You // Cody Carson (REWRITING/ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now