After Death

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When I first got to the Golden Gates Of Heaven I could see a tall grand throne which had a giant woman sitting on it. I walked to the gates expecting it to open right away instead it gave me an electric shock sending me sailing backwards. Next thing I knew the grand lady was kneeling  besides my head telling me that and I quote "was okay now my child". Of course me being confused I jumped up screaming at the woman like a psychopath telling her she's not my mother. The woman looked joyful and sad which is a strange mix if you ask me. Then she asked two flying Angels which made me faint to bring me to some room. I could not exactly remember the name because I was out like a light. I awoke to some Angels dabbing a cold wet washcloth on my forehead. When they saw me wake up they got up and called to the Queen who came into this beautiful grand room if I do say so my self. "Hello Dear" she said softly. I'm sorry I startled you earlier no problem I replied. So anyway then she went on this crazy rant saying how I was her daughter and my father was some Demon King. Like you should have Seen my face😑😣😧😱😶. Literally that was how my face expression changed the whole she told me that crazy story.

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