Chapter 1 (Jasper)

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I opened my eyes and realized what happened yesterday. I screamed when a giant wooden door opened, and in came the crystal clods. Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, and Steven.

I went to run away but my hands were chained to the wall. I panicked and flinched when Garnet got up in my face.

"Peridot, tell us where the other crystal gems are!" Garnet snapped.

I laughed in her face and the fusion backed up confused. "Do you really think I'm going to tell the crystal clods where the other gems are? NEVER!"

Pearl laughed. "Oh Peridot, you have to tell us! Cause even if you escape we'll always find you, also we have a way of torturing people!"

I looked at Garnet and she showed off her giant fists. "I'll punch you in the face" Garnet said.

I knew I had to tell them, maybe with a little lie.

Two days ago...

"FIND THE CRYSTAL GEMS AND KILL THEM!" I remember Jasper yelling at me.

The thing Jasper didn't know was that I couldn't fight the crystal clods on my own, the only thing I could do is to bother them until I lead them to my final trap. I walked over to my hiding place in the forest, where I have all the missing crystal clods, Diamond, Emerald, Black Pearl, Amber and Topaz. I smiled as I crawled down into my hiding place and grabbed the crystals and set them in glass boxes. "As soon as you four crystal clods come back, you'll be working for me!" I said as I looked at Emerald's box, Emerald was a fusion, with Diamond and Topaz, they're like Ruby and Sapphire. I had to make sure Diamond and Topaz don't fuse together and make Emerald, Emerald is a strong gem and we've had a problem with Emerald, she's so strong.

I kept on staring at the boxes, I personally knew all of them.

Diamond: A little sweet heart. She isn't very strong but she can beat you in a rap battle. Short white hair and her gem is on her forehead.

Topaz: Strong and confident, always there when you need her. She can't rap very well but can beat you up, her gem is on her chest.

Emerald: Personality from Diamond, the rest from Topaz.

Black Pearl (BP): Quiet but has a dark humor. She's tough and hard to fight. Gem is on the front of her neck.

Amber: Hyper and never stops talking, always up for an adventure, gem is on her stomach.

I watched as Diamond came back into her form and gasped when she saw me. "N-no! LET ME OUT PLEASE!"

I laughed as tears filled Diamonds eyes and rushed down her cheeks like waterfalls. "I'm sooo sorry Diamond, but it's Jasper's orders, now please shut up or I'll kill you again weakling!"

I kicked the box and Diamond screamed with fear.

"LEAVE HER ALONE PERIDOT!" I hadn't realized Topaz returned to her form.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh great, now I gotta listen to you!" I said rolling my eyes.

Topaz punched the glass wall, nothing.

"You can't get out by the way" I said, looking outside to make sure nobody was was watching.

"Ha! The crystal gems will find us!" Topaz snapped.

"Ha! Topaz, it's been so long, nearly a hundred years, I've been making sure none of you regenerate and return to your form for so long, they forgot about you, how do you think I've had you for so long?" I asked.

There was a long moment of silence. "I wouldn't be surprised" BP said. "The last time I saw them I got into a fight with Garnet."

I laughed. "Maybe that's why no one came to help you!"


I rolled my eyes. "Jasper please unfuse with Lapiz and lets go! I though to myself.

The four gems were screaming. I kept on shouting, "SHUT IT YOU CRYSTAL CLODS!" But none of them stopped.

"Then let me be with Diamond!" Topaz snapped.

"Har, har! You only wanna be with Diamond so you two can fuse! Well that's never going to happen! CAUSE AS SOON AS JASPER UNFUSES WITH LAPIZ WE ARE GOING BACK TO HOME WORLD AND YOU'LL ALL BE MY SLAVES UNDERSTOOD!" I looked up at the dirt falling from my underground hideout. Better keep my voice down. "Only Jasper knows how to escape- I don't."

Diamond put both of her hands over her mouth, tears rushed down her cheeks even more as she tried to avoid eye contact with me.

I walked out of my hideout and put the fallen tree over it again. I walked to the warp pad and went to kindergarten.

I looked around and made sure the crystal clods weren't anywhere. I walked into another tunnel and took the other gem shards I had. Spinel, Zircon, and Citrine, if I fused them together they'll make Tourmaline. And when Tourmaline comes, I'll say that the crystal gems are evil and she must destroy them. I realized how easy this was.

I took the sharps and walked to the warp pad, I went back to my hideout in the woods walked over to a large empty tray. There was a hole in the tray that was shaped like a gem, and the shards of Spinel, Zircon, and Citrine perfectly fit.

"You! What are you doing?" Topaz snapped.

"Oh, you'll see!" I said. I placed the crystal sharps in there places and grabbed the tray and ran outside. The tray started shaking so I dropped the tray and laughed when Tourmaline started coming.

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