The Blood Rose

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Faith Harkens

AKA The Blood Rose

Age: 14

Species: Risen Demon

Sexuality: Bisexual/ Seme

Appearance: Long black silk-like hair, red eyes , pale

History: She was sent to Earth, since she didn't hate the humans like all demons have to. She was intrigued by thier lives. She soon was noticed by the Head Angel and now works for the Heavens as an assassin. She kills those who escape death.

Personality: Snappy, short-temper, and dangerous.  She  is naturally bad from her demon DNA, but she is nicer than most demons. She usally is reclusive. She has a kind heart and is very loyal, but you have to go through Hell to get there.

Likes: The dark, silence, space, freedom, helping the world

Dislikes: Broad daylight, screaming, forced to do the wrong thing, mistakes, being trapped or captured

Powers: Super human strength,  speed, intelligence,  and stamina.  Shadow bending and teleportation. Her dark weapons.

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