Chapter 11

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I walked up slowly. I was nervous every one's eyes were on me. I walked up to the stand and every one started clapping and cheering. My heart started racing and it all happened so quickly then I heard a familiar laugh. It was Grand ma. Jane had the wand  out. Grand ma said," Don't you wanna be Evil." Eli screamed,"Don't do it.Don't!" I shot a fire ball at her that was new. Then I her say something to mom," Do what you should have done years ago." I looked around for Eli I saw him behind Grand ma with a knife in his hand I just stood there frozen. Grand Ma turned around and shot him with a fire ball. I cast a spell as I saw him collapse to the ground.  The spell took away her powers and sent her a jail where she could never escape. I ran over to him. Don't die on me. I cried. I flipped through the magic book and found a spell. It would Take the fire out of his heart. I saw his eyes barely open. Then open completely he hugged me.

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