Benefit of the Doubt

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Emil felt okay... that was a good place to start, he wasn't crying, he wasn't depressed, but he still couldn't shake a feeling of imprisonment that drug him down. Sure he and Leon had agreed that being friends was a good choice, and that certainly was a huge step forward to being in a mutual acceptance of their situation. He lay in his bed, back against the soft mattress, contemplating his emotions as every brooding teenager finds themselves doing every once and a while. He knew that he was going to need to get out of bed in the near future, breakfast was going to be served soon enough, and since Leon and the King would be staying in for the next few weeks as plans were discussed for their union, it was probably going to be more interesting than usual . Although the discussion of this union was kept on the down low, often being cleverly overshadowed the wedding. After all, the marriage was supposed to be the nonchalantly placed centripetal force between the citizens of the quarreling kingdoms....or at least that's how he had heard his father describe it.
Okay he really couldn't just lie here all day and think about things, it was already eight, and since breakfast was generally served at eight thirty, he really needed to get ready. He drug himself out from under the safety of his covers and on to the cool tile floor. Generally he would forgo eating breakfast in the dining hall and just have food brought up to him, but he figured today at least he should be mildly social. He pulled on clothes that he deemed fit for the occasion, which really didn't show much difference from his regular ensemble, whatever, he wasn't like Lukas, whom apparently had an outfit guideline for any occasion. He pulled on his favorite pair of boots which had been so lovingly named "the stripper boots " or on occasion "the prostiboots" by Lukas's douchebag of a husband. Emil really didn't see the issue with them, sure they reach up to just above his knees and the are white, but they are comfortable and match many of his outfits. So Mathias could joke as much as he pleased. He tied the bow at the top of his boot and tapped the heel with a satisfying clack on the floor. Lastly, he combed out his bed hair, self consciously remembering to get the back part that had Lukas mocked him for overlooking.
As he made his way down to the dining hall, he noted that Lukas and Mathias were walking down as well, oh gosh he really didn't need any more humiliation than what he could stir up himself today, gut seeing that the pair would be dining with him, there was sure to be trouble for Emil. He quickened his pace so that he could at least be there before they could cause any problems. A soft light washed over the dining hall and the room was fresh with the smell of rain, he found the source of that sent to be the open windows leading out to a darkly clouded sky. It wasn't exactly a comforting ambiance paired with the larger wood table and marbled tile floors, but Emil had always liked the feeling of rainy days. Luckily, Leon and his father were already seated beside Emil's father discussing some matter that Emil could probably care less about, but he approached them anyhow, placing a hand on the seat next to Leon, may as well work on that being closer to each other thing as of now. Leon greeted him with a casual wave, throwing Emil off slightly due to the fact that he had already stuck his hand out for a formal handshake, which Leon shook, seemingly unfazed by Emil's awkwardness."So like good morning.." Leon took a drink of water, as if this was just a regular every day interaction; how in the hell was he being so calm? Emil was about to greet him in return when a cheerful voice called from across the room accompanied but the sound of confident strides on the hard wood flooring."HeeY! Stripper boots!" A strong arm wrapped itself around Emil's shoulder and he suddenly regretted the choice not to sit down right away."Haven't seen you in a while Icy!" Mathias's laugh filled the hall and made even the two older men turn from their conversation to look at him. Emil had never really understood that nickname, but arguing with Mathias was like arguing with a rock, a very positive rock, but also a rock that teased you about your choice in shoes and tried to get you to call him big brother."Feels almost like you have been avoiding me!" Well where is the lie there? Emil mentally rolled his eyes, Lukas didn't like it when Emil was mean to Mathias, apparently Lukas was the only one who could call his husband annoying. Emil sighed,"good morning, M-" but his greeting was cut off by Mathias as his words often were. The cheerful blonde man brought his gaze to the seated foreigner who was giving him a look of inquiry."So you must be the prince who is marrying our little cutie patootie!" He accompanied the nickname 'cutie patootie' with a light ass slap that made Emil jolt stiffly, a steady blush crept across his cheeks and he wanted to give Mathias a hard slap across the face. How would anyone take him seriously with this goofball making a fool of him. Mathias didn't even offer a handshake but skipped right to putting his hand on Leon's shoulder, who seemed slightly amused if not bored with the whole thing."Kiddo, you are going to be in for a real treat, Icy over here is the best kid around, I should know since I practically raised him!" Emil took the opportunity to sit down in his chair before anymore ass slapping could occur, and was preparing to say something about how informal it was for Mathias to call Leon 'kiddo', but luckily Lukas spoke first."You need to be more polite, idiot." He lightly punched Mathias in the arm with a look of annoyance across his face. Lukas looked to Emil with slight sympathy, he of all people must have some idea of what Emil was feeling."And, my apologies, Prince Leon, this is my dunce of a husband." Well that was a relief, you think Mathias would be hurt by Lukas's insults but Emil had figured out long ago that they were a form of endearment. The large man grinned happily and kissed the shorter man's forehead, "That's my little ray of sunshine!" He quickly pulled out a chair next to Emil which Lukas grudgingly took, but there was no denying the small smile on his lips as Mathias found his own seat adjacent.
Emil internally gagged, god forbid he ever end up like those two lovebirds. He turned to Leon, who already had his attention on Emil, probably expecting an explanation."Sorry about that..Mathias is.....something." He rubbed the back of his neck, which he found was already forming beads of nervous sweat, and pulled it back quickly. Leon just chuckled,"It's fine...I really don't mind his informality, besides..." he shrugged as a plate was placed in front of him by one of the waiters," at least someone around here doesn't have a stick shoved up their ass." Emil took a moment to process that statement before giving Leon a look of annoyance as his own plate of food was placed before him,"Hey!...I can be fun..when I want to." Leon shrugged in response before turning to his breakfast,"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt..." A small smirk crossed his lips as he glanced back to Emil,"..Icy"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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