Mark (Markiplier) on Youtube

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This was my 2nd wristband for Vidcon and I had to get in his line right after Ro's. My friend Allie was already in line so I snuck in with her. Eventually the line actually reached the end of the street. GOODNESS.
After waiting a good 20 minutes we finally got inside and in line. We met some really cool people and discussed how much of a good fandom community Mark has.
When I finally got to him, he was literally himself. He wasn't any nicer in person AND I LOVED IT. I put my stuff on the table and said that blue bag was his :). I gave him a hug (really awkward but cute) and asked if he could say hi to my friend. While I get the camera set up, he looks at Allie (with my sword in hand) and says "Who are you?" *looks at me "Do you know her?" AND I WAS LIKE YEEEEE. *Back to video* Instead he goes "Hi Alex.NO VIDEOS ALLOWED." AND GRABS MY SWORD AND STARTS HITTING MY PHONE. (At this point I was dying slightly) And after I asked for a picture and he was like (still has sword) "AAAANNNNDDDD A PICTURE?" And he looks to the crowd and was like uuuuhhhhhHHHHHH and gets the people to pitch in and then I was dead. We took a few selfies (in which he had to bend down) and was like HERES THE BAG I KEEP THE SWORD and im like nu you keep the bag and he shoves (not hard or rudely) back to me and gives me my pen back and at that moment I was shaking so hard when I filmed for Allie.
One thing I regret: I shoulda got on his back smh
One thing I will never forget: HE HELD MY SWORD.

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