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Today was her twelfth name day. She straightened her slouchy posture. Releasing a heavy sigh, the girl turned her head slowly to the tent door as a shuffling sound came from outside. The sound had come many times, as if someone was coming to talk to her, but thought against it and walked away. Someone cleared their throat, as if to get her attention.
    "Yes?" She called gently. The person behind the material cleared their throat.
    "Your father asks for your attendance, miss Lyanna." The familiar voice sent a shiver down her spine, but a grin to her face. She rushed to the 'door', throwing the cream furs over her body, and flung open the door. Beaming up at the young man, she was greeted by Gared. The rounded - yet somehow angular - features of her best friends' handsome face. His usually firm set lips were always set in a smile whenever he saw her. He was extremely tall for a boy of twelve, good looking without a doubt. Dark blonde hair that reached just to the peaks of his cheekbones, warm light brown eyes and very well built. He had trained with the soldiers since he was three years of age. Licking his lips he opened his mouth to speak, but thought differently and scratched the back of his neck.
    "Your father asked me to escort you to his station, m'lady." Gared dipped his head gently, almost as if he were hiding some form of embarrassment. It always seemed to Lyanna that she made him nervous at times. Gared was never shy around other girls, he would flirt and act brave around them. A scarce thought now, at the sight of him. She shook the thought from her head before nodding.
    " Of course, thank you, Gared." Grinning at the boy she giggled before shutting the door behind her and taking hold of his arm. Her curly, dark, almost crimson red hair cascaded like water down to her waistline, the noble braids making her look more regal than she fully was. The dark emerald dress she had adorned herself with carried draped long sleeves that dropped well below her knees, whilst a small train followed her every move as she walked, dragging across the floor silently.
"You look lovely today, Lyanna." He walked slow, as if to make the journey longer than it had to be. Lyanna gladly accepted the lengthened walk. At his words, she looked at her feet and smiled.
"Thank you, Gared." People rushed around her. They were currently situated in the Vale of Arryn, under Lysa Arryn's 'care'. The heartless woman had hardly made an appearance since they had come, not even mentioning Lyanna's uncle, Robin.
They made their way closer to where two horses were tied to posts. The tall Friesian snorted and pawed at the ground as it saw her coming. Stroking her hand over the black horse's body, she grasped the reigns before hoisting her weight up into the heavy saddle that sat upon his back. The stallion neighed and bobbed his great head whilst Lyanna watched Gared climb onto the thoroughbred beside her before they set off down the hill to the forests.


The two slowed to a walk and descended the hilly forests toward the small party of men. Her face was red as the cold nipped at her soft cheeks, the curls of her hair whipping at the air behind her as the wind picked up slightly. The calming sound of thudding of hooves and crunching of leaves filled her ears, like soft music. The hushed voices became louder as they neared the group, the men all turned to look at them before smiling at the princess. She gave a sweet smile before carefully trotting toward her father.
    "Lyanna," Robb grinned as he watched her finally come to aa halt in front of him. It was obvious that he was incredibly proud of his beautiful daughter. "I thought you would like to join us while we looked around the forest."
    She simpered before nodding. Clicking her tongue, the black stallion snorted before drooping his head as she lengthened her reign and controlled him with her heels. Turning to look behind her, she saw Gared walking his steed slowly and smiling as he spoke with the men her father trusted the most.
Her dark hair was brought to the side, her grey-blue eyes were trained on the leaf littered floor as they moved at a brisk walk. Rubbing her face against the smooth furs, she caressed the light coloured animal hide gently with her cheeks. Resting the reins on the pommel of the saddle, Lyanna shivered beneath her many layers of clothing. It had been getting colder every day and even in the East the cold surrounded them, she could tell that the people born here weren't used to the chill. Breathing out, the warmth of her breath evaporated into a cloud of soft smoke before disappearing as she heard the sound of tiny, high pitched roars and a shuffling on the ground. A pounce. A toppling object. Grey Wind seemed to hear it as well as he lifted his head to the sound while pointing his snout and stopping. The entire group stopped. Kicking on the friesian horse, Lyanna's expression changed from curious to concerned. She ignored the calls from her father as he told her to stop, or come back and stay with the men. Trotting down the small hillside and onto a flat piece of forest ground where she saw two puppy-sized creatures wrestling and tackling each other. They were feline cubs, both black with intricate white stripes lining their already well muscled bodies. Their small roars brought a smile to her face as she saw them playing. Shadowcats.
Her steps were careful as she neared the cubs. Hearing her entrance, the striped felines shot their heads up and stared at her before running to the underbrush where they hid. The girl gasped and slowed even further before crouching down to coax them out. Cooing gentle words of encouragement as she searched the bushes she saw the darker of the two step out in an act of bravery. His ears pinned back firmly to his head as his lime green eyes didn't leave her figure. Lyanna's efforts to touch him were pointless as she reached out her hand and he retaliated by crouching and snarling. His tail remained between his legs, his eyes showing the obvious fear that coursed through his blood. Intaking a sharp breath, Lyanna withdrew her small hand.
Removing the soft furs from her shoulders, a sudden chill struck her and she shuddered. Laying it on the ground, she patted the silky cloak as to not scare them off anymore. The male tilted his head and curiously walked closer to sniff at the feather lining. Roughly clawing at the jacket, his ears swivelled forward and he nibbled gently at the softness of it. The other Shadowcat - female, a lighter hue of black, almost grey - was less confident as she moved closer, her tail hung low just as her smaller body did. Sniffing at her companion, she gained spirit and tackled him. It wasn't until they both rolled onto their backs that Lyanna noticed they both had the exact same spot of white on their strong chests, making it obvious they were siblings. The two pulled at her hands with their large paws, nipping at her fingers tenderly. She giggled before scratching their bellies.
"Javaris," she watched the male intently, the confidence and joy radiating from his light green oculars as he pawed at her arm while he chewed at her fingers softly. "Damaris," speaking under her breath, she looked at the female, her calm and loving nature obvious as she rubbed up against Lyanna kindly, her crystal blue eyes closing as she purred.
    "Where is your mother?" The question was more directed to herself as she thought. Her questioning glance flew around the scenery, before seeing a few dragged skid marks along the muddy ground. Opening her arms wide, the two jumped into her arms rather athletically, instantly radiating warmth. The pale blue of her gaze never left the broken bushes and splashed mud as she walked closer and closer and closer. She looked at her feet to see ginormous cat-like paw prints surrounding her boots, leading in the direction she was headed. Lyanna's lips parted as she realised she was holding a breath, but made no effort to breathe. With a shaky hand, the noble shifted the cubs in her grasp before placing a hand on the low branches that blocked her view.
    Something grasped her shoulder and wrenched her from her previous stance, sending a shock to travel through her spine. Sucking in a surprised breath, she pulled the two young ones closer to her abdomen as to keep them safe from the possible harm that may have been awaiting them. Keeping her face almost locked into the necks of the cubs, she felt them hesitate before keeping incredibly still as fright overthrew them.
"I suggest you do as you are told next time, Lyanna." Her fathers stern voice was thick with an almost angered, distraught tone as he held her dress sleeve tightly between his fingers. His voice made her freeze even further, but she slowly brought her head up to face him, a forced action. The paleness of his eyes made him seem even more intimidating as he stared down at her, a fierceness filling them that she usually only saw when he was dealing with traitors, or Lannister men attempting to figure out their plans and war strategies. In an instant, she shrunk back, hugging the cubs even tighter. They squirmed to get comfortable, their tongues running over her cheeks roughly as their sandpapery tongues lapped at her face, a terrified expression turned toward her father.
"What's in your arms, Lyanna?" His voice terrified her even more. Grey Wind snuck round him and padded to her and sniffed at the lengthy tails of the two animals, a low growl rising from his deep chest. This only made her bury her face in their darkened fur, their botanic scent flooding her nostrils.
"They're mine."

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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