Chapter 5

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"This is stupid! I officially suck! I mean I can't even make a damn goal. I'm done! I'm done!" I screamed at Aiden while walking towards the fields exit.

I grabbed my bag from the bleachers and slung it over my shoulder.

"Cal where are you going?!" Aiden questioned.

"Home!" I yelled in reply, not bothering to turn around.

"We aren't done for another hour!" Aiden said

I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. I don't care if we aren't done. IM done. So I'm leaving. He's not my dad. He can't tell me wh-

Aiden grabbed my arm and spun me around "UGH! What?!" I asked in exasperation.

Aiden sighed, letting go of my arm "Callie do you realize how absurd your acting?"

I scoffed "Really? Last time I checked you weren't the one who has a father who expects you to be the exact same player you were before an injury! I'm not going to act as if everything is fine because it isn't! If I don't play how I've always played then my dad is going to be on me all the time!"

"Cal your dad understands that you may not be exactly the same." Aiden says trying to calm me down.

"No he doesn't! You don't realize how much pressure he puts on me Aiden." I say letting my bag slip off my shoulder. "I've always been the one he's had such high expectations for. Ever since I started playing the game he's been more of a coach then a dad to me. I mean when I got injured he made sure that I had the fastest recovery possible. Not because he wanted me to be okay, but because he wanted my future as a soccer player to be okay. Sometimes I don't even feel like his daughter I feel like a doll he wants to control."

Aiden looked at me for a few seconds not saying anything so I continued, "I've always felt as if he's somehow living his dream through me. I mean he expects me to play soccer in college and even after college. But he's never asked me if that what I wanted to do. Don't get me wrong I love playing and I'd love to play for however long I can."

"Then what's wrong with your dad wanting that for you?" Aiden asked

"See that's the thing. I don't think he wants it for me, I think he excepts it from me." I shrugged sitting down on the bleachers, "I don't know, it's just all my life I just wanted him to be that supportive dad who tells me what I did right and what I could improve on, instead of just telling me what I did wrong. A dad that comes to my games to cheer me on, not coach me from the stands."

"Why don't you tell him that then?" Aiden asks sitting down next to me.

" I-I can't." I say kicking the ground with my foot.


I sighed "It'd hurt him. And I don't want to disappoint him."

Aiden glanced at me before standing up "Well then," he held out his hand to me, "Lets make damn sure you don't disappoint him."


Practice ended up running longer than usual. Kind of funny because I almost left 45 minutes into it.

After my little fiasco Aiden and I worked our butts off until I couldn't feel my feet.

Well technically I could feel my feet but you know how after a long workout or practice your like,

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