Josh hates Sammie?!?!

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Yay, second chapter I hope will be better than first! Wish me luck and comment plz!!

In a matter of seconds, the teacher was on Josh like a cheetah and lifted up his finger that was clearly broken. Josh continued wailing, and Sammie started wailing too.

"W ..why are c..c..crying?" Josh asked Sammie between wails.

" a..are and I'm p..p..probably gonna get in t..trouble!!"Sammie bauled. Hot tears rushed down her face and she apologized to Josh as snot rushed out of her nose too.

Josh stared at her hatefully and stuck out his tongue. Sammie was shocked. Her prince had just stuck his tongue out at her. This was probably a reason to scream. So she did. Joshs parents arrived soon after and Sammie was still bauling. The teacher wouldn't stop apologizing, and Little Jimmy picked his nose in the corner when he thought no one was looking.

A couple months later

Sammie plopped down at the lunch table right next to Josh, and he scooted away from her.
"You're a MEANIE." Josh pouted.
Sammie looked at his finger. It was healed.
"I'm not a MEANIE. I just fell on you. And you're supposed to catch me. So, it's your fault" Sammie stated. Josh gawked at her.
"Its your fault..and...and..I hate you!" Josh stammered for words to say. But then Emmitt pulled him away to go sit somewhere else, while Little Jimmy picked his nose when he thought no one was looking.

A/N: So, hey guys. I hope you liked it and sorry for the wait. Also sorry if your name is Jimmy cause I guess I did some bashing on that poor kid. But you can probably expect more.Mwahahahaha! See you next time.

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