Letter One

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Dear Josh,

     Where did you go?You’ve been gone for a week. I’ve been calling you for days. No answer. I went by your house. No one was home. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something? Because, I’ve been racking my brain for reasons you left. I can’t think of anything. I know I’m not perfect, I know. I know I can be annoying. Everybody tells me that. But, you said you didn’t care. Is it because I told you to stop smoking? I only said that because I care. I don’t want you to end up like my grandfather. Do you remember what I told you about him? He smoked for years and years and it clogged his arteries. They had to amputate his legs. He died a few years later because of the smoke. I just want you to be careful.

     Josh, did you know that this week are the SATs? They were pushed back because of you. Everyone’s looking for you. Posters are hanging all over town. Police officers keep coming to my house and asking me questions. With everyone they ask I answer, “I don’t know.”

     I miss you. Your face. Your laugh. The way you see everything. You find the terrible things in life and make it better. I miss hugging you. I miss you greeting me every morning before class. Come back, okay? We need you. I need you.



A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. It might be a little boring but, it will get better I promise. FYI, this actually did happen to my grandfather.

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