The accident part 4

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"But why was there a blue jeep filled with people and a small gray ar behind it. Jest then they all get out with a sheriff and a deputy walk out. Oh boy how am I going to explan the door.
"Are you too okay?" The sherif asked. Be for I could say anything a clearly annoyed boy said.
"Dad what are you doing here?"
"Responding to a call what are you doing here?"
"Because I told then to come" a strawberry hair colored girl said. "She supernatural That's why I was led here. But what are you?" She said taking a few steps closer to me.
"Who are you guys? What is she talking about?" I say trying to hide the sacredness in my voice. Remembering that I was in a horrible crash and was probably covered in blood and h are you guys? What is she talking about?" I say trying to hide the sacredness in my voice. Remembering that I was in a horrible crash and was probably covered in blood and have glass though out my hair. Trying to fix it to look a bit normal I hit a peace of glass in my forehead and winced at the pain.
"Well I am Scott McCall." A tan boy said inching closer. "I see you and brett have been in a crash. And I'm wondering if I can help. If that's okay."
"How can you help?" I say getting skitsh. At the large group of people who somehow know that I'm supernatural and know brett. And why are they here? I mean I get the sheriff and deputy is there job. And why where they going that they where altogether? It's not like they are taking a trip to the zoo. And how did the red head know? I mean I didn't even know till an hour and a half ago.

"What are you and what's your name? I'm Malia." She said and it sounded like she was trying to be sweet but there was no sweetness to it she sounded board.
"I'm konstons, and I think I'm a witch."
"Wait you think your a witch. Your bot positive." The pale boy said sarcastically.
"Styles she jest found out. You could be a little more sensitive." Brett said steping in front of me probaly smelling the anxiousness from me.
"Well that is so cool. I'm mason and don't worry I jest found it all out to so we can work though it together. Oh and this is liam, deputy parish, and kira and you already met the sheriff, styles, scott, maila, and Lydia and did anyone else notice the car that is on fire be hind them?" Mason said pointing to everyone as he said there names.
"That's right!!!" I said ad I turned around took a few steps back pulling brett with me. I raised my hand and imagined it going out and so it was. I heard a few gasps as I turned back around to the people.
"Well we could take her to deatons to get her cleaned and stitched up. And you konstons could see if he can help you with any thing." The boy scott said. I nodded and followed him in to the blue jeep. I was in the back with the boy mason and liam. In the front was styles, scott, and brett. Malia, lydia, and kira well I'm pretty sure that's there name wint in lydia's car. And the sheriff and deputy stayed to clean up the wreck. What a car ride.

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