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"Kassandra? Kassandra! Are you listening to me?"

"I don't know shrinkey-dink, am I? You tell me 'doctor'."

"For the last time Kassandra, I'm not a doctor. I have a PhD in human psychology! There is a difference. Just call me Jeff. Please?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever Jeff."


Missouri. That's where I just moved to. I hate it here already.

But, I don't get a say. On anything, ever!

Mom got a new boyfriend who got a job opportunity here. So I'm stuck in this little, barren town.

Yay! Note the sarcasm.


Kassandra Peters
14 years old
No mate
On the verge of a 'mental break down' according to her shrink


Caleb Perry
15 years old
No mate
Bored of life


I hope this book isn't cliche.

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