Chapter One

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Dear Diary,

For as long as I can remember, I've known. I've known every birthday, every Christmas and every time Mum and Dad look at me that there's something. I mean, I can't put my finger on it. It can't be that serious, can it? I mean, Mum always tells me everything. And then I tell you everything, don't I, diary? It's not as if I trust anyone else. Oh well, I suppose I'd better get some sleep, I'm at school tomorrow. I hate, hate, hate Wednesdays. Double Science, eurgh. I suppose that band are visiting tomorrow, you know, that one I wrote about yesterday? They're supposed to be the best thing since New Kids On The Block... like that would be difficult. We'll see. Good night, Diary x x x

Chapter One

"You skipping Science today?" "I heard they're amazing!" "They hardly wear any clothes!"

The whispers up and down the corridor began to spread, and as usual, I kept my head down and shuffled past the popular girls who were crowded around, gossiping about the 'new boys'. Perhaps I should introduce myself... My name is Amy, I'm sixteen, and I have never put a foot wrong in my life, I suppose that you could call me a 'geek'. I've never had a sip of alcohol, nor have I ever had a drag of a cigarette like most of the girls at school. I've never dated a boy, but then again, the boys aren't exactly attracted to me. Oh - and I missed one thing out. I've never ever skipped a class.

By now, I was half way to Mr Lindsay's science class. I had just passed the most recent cluster of girls, a little younger than me. "The boys have arrived!" I heard one of them squeal. "The boys? The actual boys?" Another said, equally as excited as the first. Simultaneously, each one of them jumped up and down with glee. I was now in the middle of a total moral battlefield. Should I stay and see what the fuss is about? Should I go and bore myself to tears with double science? You'd think the choice would be easy, wouldn't you? And this time, it was. As fast as I could, I rushed to the nearest girl's toilet, and brushing my way past the girls smoking by the sinks, I found myself a cubicle. It was 2 o'clock on the dot according to my slightly outdated Winnie The Pooh watch. The hands had honey pots on them, and I knew that the next 20 minutes would be the longest minutes of my life.

Twenty past two came quicker than I could have imagined it would. I could feel the excitement bubbling in my stomach, and I knew that for once, I wasn't playing by everyone else's rules. For once, I was living my life my way. Living on the edge. I emerged from my lonely cubicle and made a beeline for the main hall where I knew that 'the boys' would be performing. I felt so stupid, I didn't even know their name. Did the band even have a name? Was it true that they didn't wear much? All that time I'd spent alone in the toilet cubicle had sparked intrigue that I didn't even know was there, and I was honestly surprised I'd survived being alone in there with nobody to share my sudden burst of excitement with. But, as usual, I kept my head down and carried on walking, avoiding all eye contact when...

"Sorry Dahlin'!" An unfamiliar accent stopped me in my tracks. I looked up, and honestly, I'm surprised at how well I managed to contain myself. They were right. Standing in front of me was a young-ish man, not much taller than me. He had short, bleach blond hair and was wearing chunky black laced boots, no vest and a pair of cycling shorts. "You wouldn't 'appen to know where the loos are, would you? I'm gonna be late for the show!"

"Of course, I was just heading there myself!" I smiled, lying through my teeth. I knew that most of the girls would be green with envy if they knew that I was escorting one of them to the toilets.

"I'll tag along then!" He grinned, his white teeth and huge smile almost knocking me off of my feet. "I'm Mark, by the way!"

And so it begins...

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