Part 1

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At the time, Hiro hadn't paid any attention to the piece of debris that had sliced across his arm. When it happened, he gave it a quick once-over before noticing Baymax flying towards him.

Forget the mask, take out the bots! They'll get sucked up into the portal!

He remembered feeling his left arm throb, a dull ache coming from where the debris had hit. He had ignored it, not wanting to alert Baymax and draw the robot's attention to his discomfort. He silently endured, shoving the light feelings of pain to the back of his mind.

Our programming prevents us from injuring a human being. But we'll take that.

He remembered the portal falling, everyone running, Baymax's declaration that Abigail Callaghan was still alive somewhere in that portal. The dull ache in his arm had gotten more insistent, now accompanied by a warm wetness that surrounded the aching area. Still, it went ignored.

She's alive in there. Someone has to help.

The same words Tadashi had spoken to Hiro before rushing into the burning building to save Callaghan. The last words Tadashi had spoken to Hiro.

No, I'm not gonna leave you here! I'll think of something--!

Hiro had blindly refused to leave Baymax in that strange place with no way out, the last memory he had of his brother. It was Tadashi all over again. But Abigail's life had been on the line, and Hiro couldn't sacrifice her.

I'm satisfied with my care.

He remembered watching Baymax get further and further away, ever oblivious to his patient's steadily worsening injury. Tears slid down Hiro's cheeks in rivers as the shuttle was blasted out of the portal, coming to rest safely away from the explosion.

Now, however, things would take a turn for the worse.

Hiro and his friends watched the aftermath of the battle from the rooftop of the local newspaper building. Callaghan was arrested and shoved into a police car as Abigail was safely loaded into an ambulance to be taken to the hospital.

Hiro was the first to turn around, heading back for the way they'd come, the others following him.

"I can't believe we actually pulled that off," Honey Lemon said with a small smile on her face. "I have to say, it was kind of fun."

"I thoroughly enjoyed spinning the flaming signs," Fred reminisced with a lazy smirk.

"It was certainly an interesting experience," GoGo agreed, staying largely out of the conversation.

"Well I'm just glad no one got hurt," Wasabi said, looking utterly relieved that the whole masked-man ordeal was over.

As if on cue, Hiro stumbled and brought a hand to his head, wincing at the sudden dizziness that overcame him. He felt the hot red liquid run down his arm, and was suddenly regretting not telling Baymax he'd been hurt.

"Hiro?" Honey asked, looking concerned as she bent down a bit to rest a hand on Hiro's shoulder.

Hiro mumbled softly in response, but even he couldn't decipher what he'd said. In his semi-coherent state, it could have been anything. Black spots danced in his vision before his skinny legs gave out beneath him and he collapsed into GoGo's arms.

"Hiro!" GoGo exclaimed at the same time as Wasabi. She slowly sank to her knees, keeping Hiro's small form as still as possible. His head rested on GoGo's shoulder, her arms around his chest and middle to keep him from moving.

Hiro looked up at her, his eyes already looking glossy from the unconsciousness that threatened to drag him down. "Go..."

"Shh," GoGo cut him off, shifting his weight in her lap so she could use one arm to remove her helmet. "Just relax, Hiro." GoGo held the boy steady while Wasabi and Honey started pulling off Hiro's armor, looking for the source of the problem. Honey had removed his helmet first, and GoGo used her free arm to move his black bangs out of his eyes. "Just relax. Honey, what's wrong with him?"

The tall blonde had suddenly gone stiff after removing Hiro's chest plate, leaving him in a loose T-shirt that had most likely come from Tadashi. When GoGo saw what had made Honey go rigid, the goth girl's face paled.

A huge gash had sliced through Hiro's upper left arm, deep enough that it wouldn't have been as much of a problem on someone with thicker arms, but Hiro's skinny frame made the others wonder how he'd held on so long without passing out. Bruises ringed the bleeding slice, turning the injury an awful greenish-black color.

GoGo immediately took charge. "Honey, call an ambulance. Have them meet us here at the news tower. Wasabi, get Hiro's armor off, but be gentle. Fred, get me down into that alley. I'll hotwire that car down there so we have a place to store our gear."

Wasabi gently took the half-conscious Hiro, moving him off of GoGo's lap to continue removing the boy's armor. He used a section of Hiro's sleeve to bandage the wound, trying to keep the blood from flowing as hard. Hiro groaned and shifted, still fighting to stay conscious. Honey whipped out her cell phone and dialed the emergency number, frantically telling the person on the other end about Hiro's condition. Fred picked up GoGo and leapt off the building, jumping between the close walls to the ground. He set GoGo down then super-jumped back up to the top of the news tower to get the rest of the team, while GoGo set to work on hotwiring the car.

GoGo was already completely de-armored by the time the others reached the ground. They had just enough time to get their armor off and into the car before the ambulance showed up. GoGo gently took Hiro's now-unconscious body from Honey--who had been holding him while Fred took off his super suit--and jogged over to the ambulance, reluctantly handing the boy over to them. Once Hiro was safely inside the ambulance, the others all piled into the car and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

A/N: So, this turned out to be longer than I expected it to be, so it's gonna be split into two or three parts. Still considering it a oneshot, but whatevs.

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