My life doesn't suck ass anymore

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I woke up in my room warmed up in my sheets. Luckily I had made it home from the wasted youth early last night. I was still a bit buzzed from the acid but I still looked like a functional human being. I got up around six and put on a buddhist shirt my mother got me a while ago and a pair of old ripped jeans. I combed my black hair out and made myself coffee. I sat there drinking the coffee and watching old videos of Courtney Love. Courtney Love was my idol. She was everything I wanted to be but I couldn't be. I was obsessed. 

Around about eight i left the apartment to take the L train to my high school. Weatherford Prep. It was a school full of overachievers and parents who wanted their kids to succeed. While on the other hand my friends and I were the underachievers who didn't give a damn. We were the stoners who didn't give a fuck, and our parents we're too busy to care.

I hung out in the hall with my two best friends. Mile's and Cara. The school's most ''famous'' couple. And I was stuck with them. I had been their third wheel since middle school. I didn't absolutely hate it but it was annoying at times. I usually just listened to music when they were making out. I was still single and didn't give a damn. I mean if I wanted to I could go date some macho sadistic male jock. But they were all incredibly stupid. Except Oliver. Oliver was my other friend. My missing puzzle piece. 

I was in love with him. But then again he was dating Christine. Christine was the head cheerleader and the main bitch. I hated her guts. I had a lot of classes with Oliver luckily but there's no way i could beat Christine she was absolutely flawless. And I was a ''druggy grunge chick.'' I spent my day sitting in classes and listening to music drowning out everyone else. Because they were so phony. When school was out I hung out with Cara and Mile's at an old diner after school everyday and went to the thrift store. Today I had a black coffee and a slice of lemon meringue, my usual. And i found a couple cool shirts that I bought at the thrift store. My favorite was one with a nun smoking on it. 

I went home to find my mother stoned and my father working in his office. I went into my room and listened to Moaning Lisa Smile til I could bleed the lyrics out. And then I had greasy crappy pizza and fell asleep to nirvana's unplugged album.

 When I woke up I had gotten a text from Oliver. It said '' Hey Violet wanna go hang out at the art gallery together?" Oliver? Wanted to see me? Well that was a surprise. I grabbed my new shirt and put on a pair of shorts and my converse and took a train up to my mom's art gallery. It was typically busy but today nobody but me and Oliver were there. "Olive, I need to tell you something.'' He said shyly. "Uh yeah what is it?" I said putting out a cigarette.  " Me and Katherine broke up because she found out that I liked you." I nearly choked on my own spit. "Wait what the fuck?" I said kinda pissed but very weirded out. "You heard me. I like you." He said playing with his hair. "Oh uh. I like you too.." I said blushing looking down.

His lips slowly met mine as we kissed I thought to myself Is this really happening? Am I kissing the guy I've been in love with since I was a freshman?  As soon as it was over i found myself blushing all over the place like a japanese school girl.  We walked around for about another hour talking and then and went home. When I had went home you couldn't believe who was in my living room. It was THE Courtney Love. I screamed about to cry. I blinked tears streaming down my face "C-Courtney why the fuck are you here...."  She hugged me tightly. " I came here to tell you the truth." I stood there awkwardly

"What's 'the truth'" I said sitting down on our couch.

"I'm your birth mother." She said looking at me seriously.

"What?? How is this possible? Who's my Dad? Kurt?" I said streaming down my tears. 

"No Kurt's not your dad but Billy Corgan is." She said sighing.

Billy Corgan? From Smashing Pumpkins was my father?And Courtney Love from Hole? My mother? Was this a dream? Or was it real?

"M-mom?'' I said shyly to Courtney.

"Yeah.." Courtney said kinda shocked.

"Where's my parents?" I said noticing that they weren't in the apartment.

"They wanted us to be alone when I came up here. Because you're 17 and I didn't get to raise you but.. I want to be your mother Violet.."  She said with true emotion

"Violet..." I paused on my name. "Is my name Violet after the song from Live Through This?.." 

"As cheesy as it sounds yes. You're named after the song." She said smirking

"And Frances.. she's my sister??" I asked curiously.

"Yes. Violet come live with us. Come to L.A with me and live the life you want." She said excited. Without a stutter the word yes came out of my mouth. And that night I packed my room up to move to L.A with Courtney. My Idol.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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