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I finally finished reading the book I'd downloaded on my Kindle and hadn't able to put down. The third book in the trilogy I was reading, it was the perfect way to end. I glanced at my clock and sighed. Sadly, there were only three digits and I'd stayed up much longer than I had planned. It read 1:37 and I had my first day of school in the morning, or should I say, this morning.

    I sighed again and set my Kindle down on my desk and jumped from my desk chair to my bed and flopped. I readjusted myself comfortably and quickly fell asleep before I could put another thought to anything else.

    The next morning, my alarm went off at six thirty. I pushed the off button and jumped out of bed. I yawned as I stretched out my arms and legs.

    I went to my dresser and grabbed my brush for think hair as I began to dig through the rat's nest that had appeared while I was sleeping like it did every night. I then curled my hair into loose, bouncy curls compared to my half-wavy-half-curly usual. I then did my makeup, going for a natural with just a little bit of eye shadow slightly darker than my skin tone.

    I then pushed open my closet and gazed at the beautiful outfit I'd bought for the first day of school.

    I sighed and changed out of my pajamas, putting on a bandeau and a pair of underwear and slipped on the dress I'd bought, a flowing midi dress with elephant and indian print on it. It was very beautiful and one of my favorites. I paired it with a gold necklace my grandmother had given me with a long chain. I added some gold bangles on my wrist and post earrings into my half-closed holes.

    I then slipped on a pair of chunky-healed black boots to complete the look. I took my charged iPhone off the iHome dock and took a selfie in the mirror. Almost forgetting, I put on the black hat I had also bought that completed the look.

    Although I was smart, I knew a thing or two about beauty and fashion and was very satisfied with my efforts. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

    I went downstairs and was greeted by the smell of pancakes, bacon, and strawberries and the friendly smiles of my parents.

    "Good morning, Becca. Are you excited for school today?" she asked.

    "Sure, the first day, it's easy," I said.

    "Well, I hope you have fun. Make some new friends. I know Jayna and Vanessa are great, but you deserve more than them."
     "I know, Mom, I'll try."
     "Good. I like your outfit, by the way. You look beautiful."

    "Thanks, Mom," I said. I put my bag on the back of my chair and sat down.

    Dad read the paper and sipped his coffee every so often.

    I read one of the headlines on the front of the paper, 'Governor Branstad lowers education funds: local schools file for bankruptcy,' it read.

    I grumbled. Although I could vote in no way at this point, it always ticked me off that the governor constantly lowered education funds for things he thought were 'more important.' Although I wanted to save the earth from global warming, we had to learn how to do that first, which wasn't working well.

    A second later, my mom set down mine and dad's plates in front of us. "Stephen, you're going to be late for the bus!" she shouted up the stairs and shook her spatula in the air.

    "Yeah, I'm coming!" he said.

    I took a few bites of my pancake and the strawberries on top when the bus pulled up the house.

    "Get out of here or you'll be late!" she said.

    Stephen stuffed one of the miniature pancakes into his mouth and squirted some syrup in. "I'll take a gatorade instead," he said through his full mouth.

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