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A young man sat in the middle of a padded, white room. There was a one way mirror to the right wall, and the light was very dim. The workers couldn't put the light high, cause it seemed to cause the patient pain. The young man had a very pale complexion, free of any flaws besides dark black bags under his silvery blue eyes. The man's hair was a very light blonde-white color, the ends of his hair however was a very dark black color. The hair was long, extremely long, being no one could get close enough to cut it.He was wrapped in a stray Jacket, even his legs where bound together.

He sat in the middle of the room, staring at the wall blankly, not moving on inch, only his chest rising and falling as he took slow, shallow breathes. Behind the one way mirror, stood Dr. Barrowman, and Dr. Hutchison.

"Your saying Ja-" Dr. Hutchison began, but was cut off.

"Patient 209!" Dr. Barrowman corrected, running a hand threw his short, greying, brown hair. The wrinkles on his face sagged as he sighed, looking at the patient.

"Sorry" Dr. Hutchison said, looking sadly at the patient, " From what you tell me patient 209 doesn't seem to eat anything you give him? Unless its raw flesh?" Hutchison shivered at the thought. Hutchison was a younger man, in his mid thirties, his hair was more full, and shaggy, being blonde. He felt bad for the patient, he has been stuck here since the man was three years old, now he was 18 years old, his birthday was yesterday.

"That's correct, and we cannot go anywhere near him at all. He seems to enjoy eating human flesh, he attacks anyone who comes nears him, trying to rip a piece off" Barrowman replied, rubbing the bridge of his nose, 'keeping him locked up isn't helping'

"But how did he get in here in the first place" Hutchison asked, the thought only made him want to stay away from the man, making his job harder to do.

"He ate his parents, only at the age of 3" Barrowman explained, " Leaving his baby sister in critical condition, barely saved her "

"You're sure the sedative will work" Hutchison asked, looking at Barrowman, fear filled his eyes.

"I'm sure, you'll be fine" Barrowman smiled, giving the younger man a reassuring smile.

"Okay, his names James, correct?" Hutchison asked, earning a nod, "okay, I'll go in" He breathed, walking towards the door, orderlies followed, staying by the door.

"Hello James" Hutchison said, standing in front of James, "I'm just here to untie you, I believe this is no way to treat a man" Hutchison moved, starting to unbuckle the jacket, only having James stare him in his eyes, he avoided eye contact at all cost.

"N-n-n-" James started, his voice scratchy, and cracking, before he got into a fit of coughs

"Water!" Hutchison ordered, the orderly, before turning to James, "Hey, wait for the water. If you strain you're voice, you might lose it." The orderly came back, passing Hutchison the water, before rushing back to the door. Hutchison passed James the water, who drank it quickly.

"T-t-th-thank-k y-you-ou" James stutter, looking at Hutchison with grateful eyes.

"Your welcome, James." Hutchison smiled, shocking James, "I'm Adam Hutchison"

"W-w-why a-ar-are-e you he-here" James stuttered, his stuttering seeming to lessen

"I'm here to get you free from these restraints, and treat you like a human, no one should be treated like this" Hutchison answered, it did anger him to see a man like this, all fear of the cannibal in front of him vanished. He view the man as a son now, he wasn't going to let anything harm him...

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