past, present, and future

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I think this is the first time you've ever tagged me to do something multicoloured- bär..why did you do this to me? o('^`)o


confession from the past:
when I first met my best friend way back in first grade I was scared to talk to her because she was so pretty. and I just..I dunno. sometimes there are just times even today where I kind of look at her and just go; "why? why did you pick me to be your best friend?" because I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world and that I have her. because she's always there. and literally..cute fact of the day:
we had to do a portfolio back in eighth grade of all our past work. and so apparently when we were in first grade our teacher made us write little letters in a journal every day and on the last day of school I wrote "I'm going to miss Leah the most because she's my bestest friend"
I have the notebook to prove it, but I'm to lazy to actually find it at the moment.

confession from the present:
I don't really know if this counts as a confession because earthqxake  and there_is_only_me  already know about this..
I still sleep with stuffed animals; one in particular. it's a kind of ragged looking, gray colored cat. her eyes are glass and they're cracked and her little pink bow is faded and kind of torn at the ends. I play with her tail when I get anxious or bored and her name is Kitty. five year old me was brilliant at naming things.. v.v

confession about my future:
in all honesty; I want lots of kids..maybe three? and have one of those really big families and be really close with them and have a bunch of grandchildren. I dunno why, but I've always wanted that, ever since I was little. and I've always wanted to live in a cute little house with a garden and have a rocking chair up on the front porch where I can just sit for hours and read. I basically want to be the ultimate mother/grandmother. maybe I'm the future Mrs. Weasely.

except for the fact that I don't have seven children, my name isn't Molly, and I haven't found my Arthur..



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