Ch.1//So polite

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Every day was like this...i came to the mall and he was there always just doing something annoying in the mall like screaming in someones ear or standing up on the tables and start singing but my favorite was when he started to do them around me...i remember the day that he first started doing this......


"OMG Kelci stop it!" i whispered to her as we passed by a group of cute guys "what Y/N you know you think they are cute!" Kelci almost yelled in my ear."well even if you wont admit it i will i mean damn!" "oh my god Kelci your so weird!" she just shrugged at me as we made our way towards the escalator that was headed downwards. as we hopped on it Kelci kept on pointing out and talking about all the cute guys in the mall and i'm pretty sure that all of them saw her pointing at them some of them even waved at her or just giggled at her. i was just paying all my attention to my phone and at some times looking down at how far left we had to be sitting here. i peeked up from my phone and saw the few people in front of us get off and we were not to far behind but i then noticed a group of guys walking over to the end of the escalator i only saw a couple of their faces and didn't recognize any of them....until out of no were 3 of these guys just randomly laid down on the ground blocking off the exit to the escalator i was getting very very close to them at the bottom i tapped on Kelci's shoulder to get her to notice the bunch of guys that were blocking the exit "Kelci look quickly there are some dudes lying on the ground what do we do!?" then she just gave me a strange look that said -you know what we do- then she just gave me a very weird wink and stepped in front of me and walked faster down towards the giggling guys down below now with one guy holding up a camera recording this probably. she then rudely walked right over top of all the guys jumping over the one on the end who was wearing a beanie. the all made ooffs and owws before turning their heads towards me i quickly looked back down and saw the first guy on the ground stare up at me he had adorable blue eyes

----wait did i just say adorable!--------

i just stood there frozen for a few seconds then i quickly jumped over the rail avoiding stepping over that first guy i don't know why i just did not want to hurt him but when i noticed everyone was staring at me and the guy filming the boys was now facing me with the camera well i just did jump from a moving escalator and land perfectly fine on the ground(sorry could not think of anything more ninja like!) Kelci quickly ran over to me to check if i was ok i nodded and quickly held my head and refocused as me and Kelci started to walk away when 2 of the guys that were laying on the ground ran up to us."hey wait are you ok!?" Kelci stopped then turned around, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her side were a boy with dark hair covering his face stood in front of us"no yeah were perfectly fine! i mean i don't usually step on top of a bridge of guys but you know were fine well she just jumped off an escalator for some reason but yep were peachy, i don't know if she was being sarcastic or not but i kinda giggled the boy just smiled at Kelci completely ignoring me but i did not care 'yeah well sorry for doing that to you it was just for a vine' a blonde haired boy said as i just realized he was right there beside the dark haired boy. i stared at him and noticed that he is that guy that made me jump off the freaking escalator! but for some reason i am not mad at him or any of the guys i actually found it kinda funny and i found this guy to be really cute i mean really really cute like Thomas Brodie Sangster cute!

--------wait WHAT!!! CUTE i mean......NO!..YESS!!!---------

"No no its okay it was kinda fun and i bet that vine will be hilarious" i said while staring at the blonde boy "oh well then i guess it all worked out anyway im Sam and this is Colby" i stared at apparently Colby who was standing beside Sam and he was staring at Kelci with big eyes it was kinda creepy but by the way Kelci was staring back at him i don't think she found it creepy at all! "Well im Y/N and this is Kelci i pointed to my best friend who right now was lost in Colby land.."well that was Kelci now its just a drooling person" "well that makes two of them" Sam said while looking over at Colby who was currently doing the same."yeah well we better be going now" i said sadly trying not to show it i really just wanted to jump into his arms and run away doing something better and less awkward then this."yeah us to well see you  guys some other time" "yeah 'i hope'" i whispered to myself "me to" Sam then said wait did he hear me oh god did i sound weird or despite or whatever "bye then" i said awkwardly while grabbing Kelci by the back of the hand and pulling her along with me. "yeah bye Y/N and drooling Kelci" i giggled a bit by his joke and saw Kelci was coming back to normal "wait wha what were am i oh wait just with you" "well for a second there it did seem like i was in some other place but when you pulled me away from that big hunky piece of man there i sort of came back" "um yeah you and Colby were sort of weird back there" "wait what Colby that is his name aaahhh" "what what!" "nothing its just so dreamy that name!" "OMG Kelci you just love that guy to bits and you just only met him and steped on him" "well i was not alone i saw the way you were looking at that blonde dude for a second and i think i know why you jumped over that escalator to save your prince from harm!" "oh shut up i just" "you just what!" "i guess i just have a thing for blonde dudes" "PFF yeah you do!" "shut up!"


-Hope you liked it i will try to make the next ch in the next week or so but still prob only one person will actually read this and that person you know who you are..



Kelci hey your that person yassss girl you drool over COLBY!!

lol soory

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