Chapter 6 The three legendary sannin

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   Hey Kakashi-sensei!

Oh hey...naruto

You look down how about I treat you to ramen? thanks

Hey I saw (name) walk by the village today

Uh......I..... Got to go

Ok bye


Hey (name) tomorrow we have a....

Kabuto looked at you sleeping

Hm she's pretty cute when she's sleeping

He lay next to you

Your tail pulled him closer

You nuzzled in his chest

She j-just nuzzled me

Kabuto pov

You felt something warm next to you and nuzzled it

Move out

The three of you went to go fine one of the three legendary sannin Tsunde

I found her my lord you said


I'll stay here for backup



Kakashi we have to kill her!

No we don't

Just listen to me Kakashi

No I won't guy!

Ok...the whole village agreed to kill her

But we can't k-kill h-her she's my sister

Ok I'm leaving

Please guy don't kill her!

I'm not going to

I swear if you do...I'm gonna kill you.....

Guy stopped




You followed Orochimaru and Kabuto and Tsunade

Tsunade was about to punch Kabuto

You blocked the punch

You ok Kabuto?

yes I'm am

You focus chakra to your hands

Forbidden Justu iron hands Justu (my OC's Justu)

Kabuto's pov

No way she knows that Justu


You punched Tsunade leaving her scars on her face

Last one!

A puff of smoke was in front you

It cleared off

Well well well nice to see you.....Orochimaru


Naruto looked over at you and Kabuto


See naruto look at his headband he serves Orochimaru

But what about (name)

You took off your headband and took out a kunai and scratch a line across it

Here naruto

You threw the headband at him

Give that to Kakashi

Out of my way!

Tsunade attacked Kabuto

-a few short minutes of fighting-

Orochimaru ready to take off that bandage on your left arm

Yes Kabuto and (name) remember to summon nightmare for backup

(Nightmare is my summoning wolf)

Orochimaru summoned a snake Jiraya a toad Tsunade a slug

The three legendary Sannin reunites again

-after manda got stabbed in the mouth-

You bit your thumb

You did the hand single

Summoning Justu

What do you want (name)?!?!

I'm sorry nightmare but we have a couple of guest here

Nightmare growled

You and nightmare did a secret Justu you learned from a scroll you have

Forbidden Justu wolf sage mode! (My sage mode)

You turned into a wolf with red eyes and sharp claws

You jumped to Jiraya and bit his arm

You jumped and bit Tsunade

W-wh-what is t-th-this? A-a drug?

Yes Jiraya this is a drug

Well looks like we're done here

We'll meet again

You guys vanished

"But what if the enemy is my lover?" Kakashi's sister Kabuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now