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"have a nice day" I sent the older lady a small smile as to which she returned best she could. being a pharmacist I encountered all types of people on a daily basis. druggies, sick people, mentally ill, good or bad. the pay wasn't expensive, not like I needed the money anyway. if I needed a boost in income I could always phone my parents who were thousands of miles away.

I've always been sheltered my parents, even me now being twenty five. They were the usual strict parents, no girlfriends no friends, just school. My parents wanted me to become a lawyer, which I could have been. I have the degrees and everything, but fighting for justice isn't my thing. Ashamed and disappointed are only half of how they felt when I told them I was going to become a pharmacist. being their only boy, they didn't have a choice but to accept it.

My apartment was in the high end side of town filled with high end people. coming from a long side a money people often mistook me for a snobby, stuck up, only-wants-money type of guy. which was so incredibly wrong.

My shift was over around midnight as I walked into my apartment, feeding my pets. Having a cat and a fish wasn't expected, since cats are portrayed in movies to eat fish.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. a small sigh left my lips as I swiped my finger across the screen.

"Hi mum" I forced a smile, even though she couldn't see me.

My body cringed as her high pitched crackled through the phone. "Harry! Oh my sweet boy, how's it going?" I could hear her smile through the phone.

"I'm good mum, how are you?" I held the phone in between my cheek and shoulder as I pulled my pants off.

"We're fine Harry" she laughed. "I called because your father and I want you to do something for us"

I groaned. "What is it mum" I set the call on speaker and slipped my shirt over my head, grabbing my phone and falling on the bed.

"We arranged a date, she's a really nice lady."

My mum and dad have set me up on countless amounts of blind dates, according to them I was of the age to settle down. they never seemed to understand that I wasn't looking for love, I can't see myself getting married or having kids at all.

"no, absolutely not" I told her sternly. a sigh was heard from the other line as I frowned, I knew me not having a pretty lady on my hip made my mum unhappy and after I disappointed her with not becoming a lawyer I somehow owe it to her.

"harry please, I do want some grandchildren before I die you know" she joked, although a part of me knew she was serious.

I took a deep sigh and shut my eyes, "is she pretty?"

I could hear the mood switch over the phone as my mother cheered, "she's gorgeous you two would make lovely babies"

"mum, I don't even want kids"

"well I do. I made you, you owe it to me"

"im not going to make a child I don't want with a woman I don't know"

"oh hush Harold, get some sleep okay? love you"

"love too mum" I spoke, ending the call. I put my hand under my pillow and sighed, slumber welcoming me.


I stand before my mirror, staring at the man staring back at me. I ran a hand through my hair and grabbed my keys from the coffee table, walking out and into my car.

the entire car ride I tried to imagine what she looked like, I would have liked to say blonde hair and light skin, maybe blue eyes. that's the type my mom arranged with me anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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