Chapter Nineteen

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I was really hoping Rebecca would be sent home after her outburst during breakfast the other day, but Alexander insisted on keeping her here.

I'm also hoping it's just because she has a wealthy family with connections, so keeping her here will be more beneficial.

I'm hoping she's here because of her wealth, and not because Alex actually likes her.

Okay that's kind of harsh, but she deserves it.

It's been a few days since the breakfast incident and it's now Wednesday morning. The ball is at 7:00 tonight, and I've been busy with the preparations.

I kind of wish Rebecca's group had won, all this work is really killing me.

All this work would've been much easier but, unfortunately while I've been working to prepare a ball, most of the other girls have been going on dates with the lovely Prince.

I get it. He's speed dating before the report on Friday, he's trying to take each girl on one date so everyone has something to talk to Gavril about when he interviews us on the report.

But I haven't been on a real date with him yet, except for the parlor date.

The parlor date was nearly two weeks ago.

What am I supposed to tell Gavril?

'Oh yeah I had a date with him 2 weeks ago and then we got in a huge fight and we just started talking to each other again the other day.'

If he doesn't take me on a date soon, that's what I'm going to have to tell Gavril.

Ugh I hate the selection.

"I gotta go, Prince is waiting for me." Simone whispers in my ear before leaving the room. "Thanks for all your help." She adds before exiting.

I smile at her and wave as she leaves. I still can't believe she's nice now. She ditched Rebecca, and now she's been hanging out with Bridget and I again.

Rebecca found a new sidekick; Ashley. I always thought she was a nice girl, but she's a total bitch.

Just like Simone. But Simone's nice now.

This is all too confusing.

"Should the roses be placed on the center of each table?" A maid asks.

"Yes." I nod.

She scurries away.

"What color should the table cloths be?" Bethany runs up to me.

"Red and yellow, how many times do I have to say this!" I practically yell.

"Sorry." Bethany mumbles and runs away.

She's not even in my group. But she's so clingy that she feels the need to follow me everywhere.

And I really don't need a shadow at the moment.

I glance outside the room and spot one of the selected walking around.

It's Destiny, she's super pretty, and has a good TV personality, I think I've seen her talking to Bethany a few times.

"Destiny! Destiny!" I run out of the room to get her.

She looks startled for a second, but the recovers. "Oh, hi Arabella! Congrats on winning the ball contest, I really love your group's idea." She smiles.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. You're friends with Bethany right?" I ask quickly.

She nods.

"Get her out of the ball room, take her to the movie theatre, do something, but please please please get her out of my way." I plead.

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