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Michaels POV

I wake up and do my morning routine.

After I go and meet up with my band at their house. I pull up into the driveway and walk inside

"Hey! Grab your guitar we have a gig tonight so we have to rehearse." Ashton says.

"Got it." I grab the guitar and they play a few songs, the ones for their show.

"Hey, I have school, so can we...hurry up a little?"

"Aw..he goes to school!" Luke teases

Luke never really liked Me and I didn't like him. We fought often.

"Shut up Luke. I'm leaving, see you at our show."

I get back in the car and drive to my high school where the whole band should be right now.

I walk inside and is greeted by a few of my other friends.

"Hey mike! What's up?" My friend Josh asks

"Nothing. I've got to go to class. I'll talk to you later." I rush off.

I run down the hall and knock papers out of the schools hottest girl/drama queen, Britney.

"Ugh! Seriously?"

"Sorry...here." I hand her the papers and go into the class i was supposed to go to.

"What is it Michael?" She says very rudely.

"My assignment." I hand her a paper

"Oh yeah. Thank you. Now be off."

I go back out and Britney is standing there

"Hey what's-your-face, my boyfriend wants to talk with you." She smirks and turns away letting her blonde hair bounce as she walked. I like her, but her boyfriend is probably the biggest douche you could meet.

"Hey kid..." He storms up and shoves me against a locker "don't ever touch my girlfriend again, you hear me?"

"Yeah. Loud and clear."

"Jackson, fuck off." Calum says as about the whole school watches. Calum was pretty popular too so no one messed with him either.

He backs up and walks down the hall with Britney.

All the guys come up to me and ask me if I was okay, including a random girl I dont know.

She had long golden brown hair and green eyes, super pretty. She hardly wore make up, maybe just a little mascara.

"Are you okay? I know Jackson can be a pain." She says

"Uh-I- yeah." I stutters. I'm never the best with girls.

"Well hi. I'm Caroline."

"Michael." I slightly smile

"Do you have plans after school? Im not asking you on a date or anything..." She smiles

"No..I'm free."

"Do you want to go to a coffee place after school later?"

"Okay." I says awkwardly

She waves and walks away and I smile to myself as Luke Ashton and Calum rush up to me

"Dude! Our show is tonight you dumb fuck! Tell her you can't go." Luke yells

"Can I invite her to our show?"

"She's gonna forget all about you and fall in love with me." He smirks and laughs

"If you hate me this much Luke, why don't I just ditch our show." I threaten

He smirks at me "Fine. I don't need you anyway."

"You don't even know what's coming." He shakes his head and walks off with an evil laugh.

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