@Urnext has followed you on twitter

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"@Urnext has follow you on Twitter" I see the notification and open Twitter before I check out their account, I check my Twitter feed.
What you missed while you were gone:
@danisnotonfire: Arghhh phil ate my cereal again, everyone go on his Twitter and tell him to stop being a cereal killer (hahahaha) and cereal stealer
@AmazingPhil: I feel like going back to Japan 😕
@FoodandPhan (meeeeeee): New update on my story " Scary stories: enough to make you cry" here's the link:https://www.wattpad.com/story/43678259utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link My username is Givemebooksanyday btw
@PewdiePie: You guys probably took that wrong didn't you
@PewdiePie: Having fun with a goat simulator! Expect some in the next video
@Nickjonas: Help. I've been kidnapped by a fan!
@Nickjonsesbae: Hahaha Nick Jonas is mine!!!!!!!!!!!
Your eyes widen a bit by the last two tweets and giggle at the rest. You loved Givemebooksanyday's story! (😂😂😉😉) You then go and check out @Urnext 's profile and gasp. Every. single.Photo. Is of you. You quickly report the account and block them. You then get a notification 2 minutes later, @Youshouldnthavedonethat is following you. You see the account and realise it's the same as the other one and block it, not even realising the name. @Killundurs is following you and you see it's once again a perfect copy. Before you can block it, the account sends you a message,
K= @Killundurs
K: You made a big mistake blocking me the first time then you went and blocked me again. Big mistake.
Y: Who are you and what do you want?
K: You.
Y: f**k off and leave me alone
K: Come to the barn in the park across from your house
Y:And why would I do that?
K: because of this
( link of video)
It was your parents with ropes around their necks with chairs under them, in between them was a man with a knife and a mask on."No" you whispered,
K: They will die if I push the chairs away if you don't come and you'll see.
Y: Okay I'm coming
K: And don't even think about calling the police, I'm watching you
You grab your coat and run to the barn.
But it's too late they're dead....
And so are you, you get shot in the head and you die.
But really what can you expect?
Kill u nd urs....
(Kill you and yours)

Scary stories: Enough to make you screamWhere stories live. Discover now