running away with me...

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The next day I woke up with a cute message from him and all the things he would say just made my smile like crazy. He then asked me if I wanted to go out again today and i responded with " of course!" He was going to take me out to a fancy restaurant. I found a fancy beautiful black dress and he picked me up. " you look astonishing today as always" I smiled and blushed. " why are you so sweet to me?"

" there's just something about you. Ever since I saw u in the plane I couldn't stop thinking about you. I feel like I know you and I just can't seem to get you off my mind.. I think I'm in love with you.."

I blushed yet looked down.. " what's wrong? I'm sorry I shouldn't of said that I probably freaked you out!" " no no! You didnt! I love you too but..." " but what.." "I have a boyfriend.. I know u should've told you earlier but it's just.. I'm sorry I should go now..." he held my hand and pulled me back,"I love you and I'll do whatever it takes to be with you.. Run away with me?" I starred at him for a second," but where would we go and how??" "I have everything's planned out join mde move in with me we can make this work I'll talk to your parents I'll do whatever it takes but I love you and I'm not giving up on you" he then kissed me. He kissed me for the longest time ever I then kissed him back. After the kiss I was thinking how am I going to tell my boyfriend? What am I gona say? He then said" if you don't feel the same way I understand.. You don't have to if you don't want to.." he then looked down all depressed.. " but I do want to I love you bryan!" I then kissed him and he smiled.

We then left... When we left we saw some weird figures polices started going everywhere something had happened! We heard people yelling and screaming what could it be?!

Behold the cliff hanger! Things are just starting to get intense! You won't believe what happened! Part 4 will be out tomorrow :3
~ Expect the unexpected ~

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